Thursday, June 3, 2010


I heard a younger woman say she hated her testimony, and I smiled. That used to be me. I wished my testimony was flashier...more exciting...or at least interesting. Now I know better. I've known Jesus since I was very young...known Him well and have pursued a relationship with Him all my life. My testimony is simple. I was born to parents who know and love the Lord. They have been wonderful examples and teachers of the Word to both my brother and myself. We were raised in the church...not a specific one but the body and bride of Christ. I've always known of Him and at 7, chose to make Him mine. My mom remembers yelling at me that day because I got my church dress dirty playing on the swings...I don't remember much about that Sunday at all. I've grown-up in the Lord as I've grown-up in life. I have continued to pursue Him, and He has pursued me when I have strayed. I have been the wayward child and the faithful follower. He is my very great reward. My testimony is one of faithfulness...God's faithfulness. I will share it with anyone that asks.

My testimony of God's faithfulness has given me a firm foundation on which to stand when life comes down like a storm all around me. It has taught me where to hide my heart from the prowling lion of this world. I know that the right answer in every situation can be found in the Word of God and through seeking to KNOW Him in every situation. Rebellion is tempered by His sweet grace. Fear is covered by His abudant love. My testimony isn't flashy or grand, but it is true. And I know now, I wouldn't trade it for the world.

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