Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Food Pantry Updates for March

Good Morning!

This morning we have served 37 people so far. We have had several new people this morning. Some folks who attend regularly are beginning to bring friends...or, I guess, make friends in the line that begins forming before 8:00am. It seems a little overwhelming to think that people come here to wait in line for an hour for one bag of groceries. I don't know what to do first ~ fall to my knees and praise God for my blessings or fall before Him and weep for those who have need. We have so much. And there is so much need. Sometimes, I want to just cry out "You know their need...why don't You meet it?" Our sweet Savior says "I am, through you." Thank you for letting Him meet needs through you.

Good Morning Friends!!!

Wow. This morning felt like stepping into a tornado. We had 31 bags of food to give out so Troy handed out numbers to the first 31 people in line at around 8:45 this morning. Unfortunately, there were probably around 45 people in line by that time. As you can imagine, turning people away is hard. When we opened the doors, we found that we had several new people in line. We generally have between 2 and 4 new people on any given Tuesday so that is what we prepare for. This morning we served 9 new people...who spoke very little English. We had all hands on deck to get more supplies, help people understand the paperwork and the process we have set-up, collect numbers, and hand out food. We had an empty pantry by 9:08. I am exhausted again just telling you about it! Our volunteers are so valuable...to provide the food, pack it up, and hand it out. We also need so much prayer for the people who come to help and to receive and for provision both physically and spiritually. This ministry cannot function without you! Thank you!

Good Morning!

This week we were able to serve 42 people on Tuesday morning. Troy and I were telling some of the ladies in our Logos Team about looking at the line of people right before we opened the doors yesterday. He said sometimes you get the feeling that people come to us to supplement what they already have but yesterday you could see the hunger and desperation in the line. The people who are coming to us are genuinely hungry. Helping the poor is an act of obedience that provides rich blessing and such insight into the compassion of Christ. Seeing genuine need ignites compassion. Christ sees our deepest need...not just the surface ones. His compassion compelled Him to touch the untouchable, speak to the least deserving, heal those others banished, and to save us all. Being able to serve in this ministry is such a sweet gift whether through providing food, bagging it, handing it out or praying earnestly. Thank you for all you do.

Good Morning!

This morning we have been blessed to serve 52 people. Isn't that exciting?!? God's provision is amazing. He is
JEHOVAH-JIREH..."The Lord Will Provide". One thing I am learning is that God is so much bigger than we understand. Not only does He provide, He is also JEHOVAH-ROPHE..."The Lord Who Heals." God is also JEHOVAH-NISSI..."The Lord Our Banner." The One we follow into battle...or the One who is with us in our battles. He is also JEHOVAH-M'KADDESH..."The Lord Who Sanctifies." Amen...I needed to be reminded of that right now. He is also JEHOVAH-SHALOM..."The Lord Our Peace." Isn't that exciting as we come before Him with prayer requests? We can confidently approach the throne because His very nature is to provide, heal, fight along side us, sanctify and give us peace.
This is not a complete list. God is so much more than even the list we have this morning. Remember He is God even in your circumstance and the circumstances of each of the people who come to us on Tuesday mornings. Know Him in your situation. Thank you for praying!

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Ian: Mom, I don't know a lot about God, but I know He is powerful and strong.

Yes, He is. Always remember He is.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Confessions of a Siesta


I did not want to post about my memory verses today because I am really not doing well with them at all. In fact, the only one I know I know is my first memory verse. But I said I would post my progress on here because it will help me be accountable and I guess this is that part. So there you have it. I don't know my verse. I need to be more committed to working on it. My spiral index cards stay in my Bible study bag...and do me no good there. I don't get them out when I am studying Esther or anything else. I need a new plan. Suggestions?
I did pick a new verse for the next 15 days and have renewed my commitment to this challenge. Here are the verses that I am working on.

Psalm 16:11 (ESV)
You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

Jeremiah 15:16 (NIrV)
When I received your words, I ate them. They filled me with joy. My heart took delight in them. Lord God who rules over all, I belong to you.

Isaiah 26:8 (NIV)
Yes, LORD, walking in the way of your laws, we wait for you; your name and renown are the desire of our hearts.

Hosea 6:3 (NAS)
"So let us know, let us press on to know the LORD. His going forth is as certain as the dawn; And He will come to us like the rain, Like the spring rain watering the earth."

Psalm 86:11-13 (NIV)
11 Teach me your way, O LORD, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name. 12 I will praise you, O Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever. 13 For great is your love toward me; you have delivered me from the depths of the grave.

SO, that's a lot. I have some bonus verses that I kind of know and want to get down pat. The first three are ones I need to know by March 1st to be caught up with the challenge. I am determined. I will hide His word in my heart so I can live in the delight it brings or wield it like a sword against the enemy.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Wisdom of a 5 Year Old

So, I know the picture is of Abby and Nathanael and that Ian is my 5 year old. The blog is about Ian, but I feel like I blog about him most and wanted to give my other two favorites some air time. The thing about Ian is I spend the most time with him and dude is a CHARACTER. My brother called him a cartoon character brought to life and it is a fabulous description of the riot our youngest is.

Anyway, when I picked Ian up from preschool today, he began to tell me about his day. His best buddy got into an argument with someone and he relayed the whole thing to me. He ended with "But Mom, I just stayed out of it." Of course I said good for you. But I thought "I wish." Don't you wish you could just stay out of it sometimes? Man, how many times especially as women to do we just jump in....we are drama junkies or want to have our girls' backs. A girlfriend said to me the other day that I was a drama magnet right now...just attracting it. Sometimes I wish I could end a story with "But Father God, I just stayed out of it." Instead of hearing "Child, what a mess you have gotten yourself into!" How wise of my son to know, sometimes, you just have to leave it alone.

30 minutes later

Ian: *giggles* Look Mom.

Me: *turns* What?

Ian: *giggles* The chicken is naked. (He had eaten off the breading.)

It ain't all wisdom!!!

Monday, February 9, 2009


So, I have been thinking about receiving blessings. Ian and I stopped at the post office this afternoon. There were several people there so after I paid I grabbed my stuff, walked out and was putting my change in my wallet (yes, the fabulous LV one that my fabulous friend, Shannan, gave me) on my way out. There was a woman there who asked if I had change for a dollar which I didn't. Turns out she only needed 15 cents to make a copy...that I had. She wanted to give me the dollar for the quarter, and I wanted to just give her the quarter. We went on and on in the polite back and forth of two people who both want to be a blessing. Finally, she said let me do this...so, I did. I still wanted to just give her the quarter but also wanted her to be satisfied with the blessing she wanted to bestow. We can become so self-sufficient, humble, proud, shy, or whatever that we rob other people of the joy and reward of blessing someone. Do you ever wonder if you are that way with God? I wonder if I am ever a blessing blocker. Why would we logically want to not be blessed? Hhhmmmm.....
A few nights ago, Troy was watching TV, and I was doing some Esther homework. I got up to get something and asked him if he wanted or needed anything while I was up. I was trying to score points with my acts of service husband. He said no. Not 5 five minutes later, he was up getting himself a drink. ARGH. I asked him why he didn't let me get that for him? I had to flat out tell him that I was trying to love him in his language, but he didn't let me.
I think we have such a culture of not accepting good things that we don't know how to act in the face of them. I hope that I don't miss a blessing or feeling loved because I was too stubborn to accept it.


Ian says this morning: Mom, Nate is doing something a boy should never do.

Me: What's that?

Ian: Drinking something pink!

This afternoon

Ian: You know, Mom, sometimes Superman stops by here.

Me: No, I didn't know that.

Ian: Well, he does.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sunday's Thoughts

Hola Friends! What up? Here is what I have been thinking about today...

* John's sermon on the love language quality time was incredibly convicting because it is one of my love languages, and he made us consider whether or not we are spending quality time with God. The hard part is he quantified quality time as time without distraction. I spend my day with God but often it is with distraction...even time that is specifically focused on Him can be full of distractions...like Bible study or whatever. If quality time is one of my love languages, I am not sure I am loving well. Consistency in my time completely alone and focused on God has always been a struggle for me. Ugh.

* Some of the Esther homework I did today was on people snares. This is another area of constant struggle for me because I am all tangled up in Troy all the time. His happiness and well being consume too much thought, time and effort in my life. Granted, he is and should be the most important person in my life...but I often put too much weight on his opinion and approval which is still seeking the approval of man...not God. I adore my husband but need to always place him beneath my Lord.

* Those are the 2 things I have struggled with most in my walk...and I got hit with both of them in one day. LEARN IT, KELLY!

* I wonder when ministering to people who need it steps into the realm of involving myself in drama that is contrary to my initial purpose of helping.

* My mom is my absolute best friend.

* God is dealing with my thoughts...mostly because they need to be dealt with. I need to be cautious or I will find myself in another person's snare the likes of which could wound me deeply.

* Sometimes people mean it when they say they want to try to change things. I hope more people will give her a chance. She was very nice today.

* I never shared my new memory verse. To be honest, I am still working on last time's a little. Here it is...Jeremiah 15:16: "When I received your words, I ate them. They filled me with joy. My heart took delight in them. Lord God who rules over all, I belong to you." I still love it! The one I chose for this time is Isaiah 26:8: "Yes, LORD, walking in the way of your laws, we wait for you; your name and renown are the desire of our hearts." I am in a time of waiting so I need to remind myself and Him that I will continue to obey as I wait. I want to make Him famous in my dominion.

Friday, February 6, 2009

The Perfect Card

I love the perfect card. Cards that feel like you actually could have been the maker/author because they perfectly say what you would or describe your relationship with someone. I love finding one for someone on their special day, and I love to receive a card that says just the right thing. This year I have received 2 perfect cards. The sentimental make-you-cry card from my parents and the laugh-til-you-cry-cause-it-is-so-true card from ~ Troy, of course.
Sharing the "you're so great" card from my parents seems a little nauseating. BUT, I have to share Troy's card. It says this:


For putting up with all my moods...
And making me eat healthy foods
For trusting me with saws and drills (Despite your doubts about my skills...)
For tolerating all my quirks.
As well as friends who can be jerks
For rarely minding when I nap
Or take a thirty-minute...um...you know...
For letting me undo my shorts
As I drink beer while watching sports...
For getting deep inside my heart
And never fainting when I fart...
For bringing LOVE into my life...
I'm so glad that you're my wife!


Romantic? Not really. True? Almost every word. He doesn't have any friends who are jerks or drink beer while watching sports (it is coke and Sci-fi) but those are the only things that made it obvious that he hadn't commissioned the card to be written for us...I seriously might have thought so otherwise. As I was reading, I would look up at him in disbelief because it is all dead on, and he just had that knowing grin.
The perfect card. I love it!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Food Pantry Updates

Hi Faithful Friends!

This morning we had to hand out numbers to the first 27 people in line because that is all the food we had. It is hard to turn people away. To be honest, I was worried about people arguing over the numbers or cutting in line so we would give them a bag of food without having a number in the hurried, controlled chaos that the food pantry would can be. Instead, what I saw was kindness and sacrifice. Robin willingly gave up the last number to Gail who she knew needed it more but came moments too late. James 1:17 says "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." Even the unexpected, sacrificial, good gift of a casual acquaintance is from the Lord who is unchanging. Wow.
God showed me how little I understand. Isn't is awful of me to assume the worst of people? I hope today you have the opportunity to experience or witness the sweet goodness of our Savior.

Good Morning!

This morning we were able to serve 29 people before running out of food. Running a weekly food pantry that relies solely on the contributions of the church is difficult and we continue to be stocked and able to provide some assistance. I appreciate your commitment to this ministry. It is cold this morning so we started a little early knowing that it could cause issues in the future. We were able to offer fruit and small toys which was a special blessing to people without the means to buy food much less small joys.

Good Morning!

This week we were able to feed 40 people or families before we ran out of food. We had our first wave of 32 people through in 7 minutes. It was a fast morning! Rose has a brain injury. She is so sweet and a joy to see each week. This week she had a small spell of dizziness. I was able to pray for her. Robin has also been coming weekly for awhile. She was delighted when I noticed she got her hair cut. 1Thessalonians 2:8 talks about people who become so dear to you when you minister that you begin to share not only the gospel but your lives with them. We have the opportunity to impact lives ~ not just with food, but with compassion, the Word and prayer.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

His Grace is Astounding

Casting Crowns: East to West
Written by Mark Hall and Bernie Herms

Here I am, Lord, and I’m drowning in your sea of forgetfulness
The chains of yesterday surround me
I yearn for peace and rest
I don’t want to end up where You found me
And it echoes in my mind, keeps me awake tonight
I know You’ve cast my sin as far as the east is from the west
And I stand before You now as though I’ve never sinned
But today I feel like I’m just one mistake away from You leaving me this way

Jesus, can You show me just how far the east is from the west
‘Cause I can’t bear to see the man I’ve been come rising up in me again
In the arms of Your mercy I find rest
‘Cause You know just how far the east is from the west
From one scarred hand to the other

I start the day, the war begins, endless reminding of my sin
Time and time again Your truth is drowned out by the storm I’m in
Today I feel like I’m just one mistake away from You leaving me this way

I know You’ve washed me white, turned my darkness into light
I need Your peace to get me through, to get me through this night
I can’t live by what I feel, but by the truth Your word reveals
I‘m not holding on to You, but You’re holding on to me
You’re holding on to me

Jesus, You know just how far the east is from the west
I don’t have to see the man I’ve been come rising up in me again
In the arms of Your mercy I find rest
‘Cause You know just how far the east is from the west
From one scarred hand to the other
One scarred hand to the other
From one scarred hand to the other

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Musings in my Boredom

Well, I should just go to bed...I am tired and it is plenty late...but as usual, I don't. Here are just some thoughts rolling around in my brain.

* I am really looking forward to the Love Languages sermon series starting next week. I can't wait for Troy to preach on physical touch because that is my romantic love language. I wonder what he will say... I think the whole series will be good. I liked the book and really buy what it says. Sometimes I can feel my love languages affecting me...like when I was sick and during the Christmas holidays when I didn't see people as much, I felt disconnected and since quality time is my primary (non-romantic) love language, it made sense.

* I have little to no idea what we will talk about tomorrow night in the Esther Bible study. This week was not my favorite. I guess that means I will be relying totally on Him...novel idea for a Bible study =o) I just don't like feeling so out of control. I do know that this is the best way to do it and trust Him completely. I am excited to see where He takes the discussion...I think.

* Do most of you have two separate love languages - one for your spouse or significant other and one for everyone else? I most crave physical affection from my husband...it is the easiest way he can show me he is thinking about me and loves me. But I am not a hugger in general. Maybe that just means I don't love many people...but I don't think so. With friends, the more time we spend together, the closer I feel to you...that just kind of makes sense, but I genuinely feel different if I don't see you for even a week or two. Does that make sense, quality timers?

* I am super excited about all 15 pieces of free or reduced jewelry that I will hopefully receive in about 2 weeks! Yay, Premier!

* I am getting fed up with looking for a job. I wonder what God is doing. I love volunteering at the church, but He knows I need work. I hope I am being obedient.

* I love that I am leading a Beth Bible study at the same time as my mom and Lynda. It is great to have other people who know exactly what I am going through praying for me. I love them both!

* I am struggling with Troy wanting to go to Lock Haven...even if it is for something as special as Josh's ordination. I want to go and protect him from the pain I know he will feel. He had nightmares just because he shared his testimony about that time for the women's retreat. Going back seems like a mistake...especially without me, but flying to PA would be expensive...maybe we could drive. Maybe God is asking him to go back. Why?

* I hate that Tampa is going to be overrun for the next few weeks. Between the Super Bowl and Gasparilla, it may be better not to leave the house. ugh. Maybe I will see someone famous in Target.

* I should have gone to bed 3 musings ago.

* I hate cats.

* I hope snack is yummy tomorrow night. Another area I have no control over...


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Scripture Memory Day!

So, let's see if I can remember my memory verse (if you blog, you know I can't see it - if you don't blog, I am on a completely different screen...I guess you will just have to trust that I am not looking at my index cards). Here we go:

John 1:14
"The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who was sent from the Father, full of grace and truth."

Okay, let me look. Not bad. Not perfect. This is what it should be:

John 1:14
"The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth."

So, very close. I will continue to work on it. Just a reminder...here is my verse to memorize for the next 15 days.

Jeremiah 15:16 (NIrV)
"When I received your words, I ate them. They filled me with joy. My heart took delight in them. Lord God who rules over all, I belong to you.

I also wanted to share something from Beth's blog about how Scripture memory is important and useful. The Word is living and active. This is an excerpt from an anonymous comment:

“Last night I had THE WORST anxiety attack that I have EVER had in my life. My sweet husband prayed over me and as I climbed in under the covers just quivering with fear, my verse that I am memorizing just came to me and I started to say it over and over out loud and such a peace and calm washed over me. Never has an anxiety attack stopped dead in its tracks as this one did-I am just in awe that in this short time I am already learning my scripture and realizing just how powerful this thing it! This works! Satan has NO authority over MY MIND to cause that kind of fear! I will wield my sword his way!”

I am so glad that I am doing this.

Food Pantry Update for 1.13.09

Good Morning Faithful Friends!

This week we were able to serve 39 people before we ran out of food at around 9:15. So, we are learning more about the people who are coming on Tuesday mornings. Some have arrest records, some are recently out of prison, some have drug problems and, I am sure, some are taking advantage of our obedience to God's Word. We get caught up with those things but they are irrelevant to God. 2 Peter 3:9b says "He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." He is jealous for us all. His grace is freely offered to even those we may not think deserve it...but none of us deserve the amazing grace of our Lord.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

My thoughts on the Golden Globes

So, the Golden Globes are my favorite award show. Here are my thoughts on tonight's...

I don't love any one's dress so far.
I never saw John Adams but apparently it is fanstinkintastic.
Drew Barrymore's look is growing on me...I get it...old Hollywood bombshell.
Megan Fox dressed older than she is.
Tony Shalhoub and Kyra Sedgwick should have won.
Colin Farrell was fabulously sarcastic...love it!
Everytime I see David Duchovny talking to a woman, I think...wellll hhmmmm.
Don Cheadle called Brad Pitt dumb...love him!
Kate Beckinsale does not look good enough to be Jason's person tonight.
Angelina looks beautiful in an I-didn't-try-at-all way.
People with written speeches are goobers.
Someone just thanked everyone in India...all 1 billion of them.
David just referred to his wife, but I thought he was getting a divorce.
30 Rock must also be a show I should watch.
Ricky Gervais was hilarious! I'm not even sure who he is.
Tina Fey rocks.
Emma Thompson is DRUNK.
I think that Rumer Willis' hair matches her dress...I like it, though.
I like that Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio seem to actually like each other.
Blake Lively's dress does not fit properly.
Sandra Bullock and Cameron Diaz look beautiful.
Slumdog Millionaire is something else I guess I should see.
Yay! My new fav, Colin, won!
I do love Kyra's dress. She looks great.
Renee Zellweger looks weird. I don't hate it...no, maybe I do hate it.
J. Lo's dress...seriously?
Sigourney Weaver forgot to do her hair.
Kate Winslet is precious...she looks beautiful and is so sweet.

So that's it. Not a bad show...not great either. Oh and I remember my person...Jake Gyllenhaal.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Food Pantry Update for 1.6.09

Good Morning! This morning we were able to serve 45 people. I am thrilled by the way God is working. He has big plans, and He has invited us to work with Him. How exciting is that?!?! We had new and returning helpers this week which always makes it easier on the staff and also spreads the joy of serving. So if you need a boost of joy, call and see when you can help. Marie came this morning obviously pregnant. I wonder how her child will grow up. Will he or she ever hear about our Lord? Marie came late and very timid. My heart aches for those with hurts deeper than we can reach. We pray to a God who knows those hurts and has the power to heal them! Hallelujah!!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

First Impressions...

So, I have been pondering the idea of first impressions for awhile because of a conversation I had with a friend after an intense Bible study that revealed much about someone I don't know very well. Everybody has heard the saying "you never get a second chance to make a first impression" and I get that in some situations good first impressions are extremely important...BUT...if your first impression is a good one, don't you hope that that impression is also how people who know you well would describe you?
I will admit that I don't generally make good first impressions. I am shy and reserved. It is not my nature to be the first to say hello or start small talk with people I don't know well. If you have seen me doing it...I was probably uncomfortable. God has a sense of humor and had me marry a man whose life was going to be on display...so I am continually pushed to step outside of my comfort zone. So, maybe, if you know me well...the first impression is not the one you have now. But shy is not necessarily a bad thing.
So, after this Bible study (on marriage) I was surprised to learn some things about someone, and I was talking to a friend who was less surprised because she has spent more time with him. I thought he was a nice man, but people who know him better would disagree. That is too bad.
The more I think about it the more I hope that that isn't true of me. Would my husband or closest friends say the same thing about me as people who still just have those first few good impressions? I know we all have sin that the average acquaintance doesn't know about but does that sin define you to the people you know well. Does it define me? Or am I someone constantly trying to be like Christ...struggling with sin but moving forward in my walk as opposed to standing still or falling back? I don't want sin to define me. I want Christ to define me.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Scripture Memory

It won't shock anyone when I say I am a faithful "siesta" or reader of Beth Moore's blog. I love it! Beth has challenged the siestas to memorize Scripture with her this year and I am excited to do it. Sometimes you just need a push to do something that you know you should already be doing. So I am thankful for the push. The challenge is to memorize 2 verses a month...on the first and fifteenth of each month you log in with the Scripture that you want to memorize (we aren't all doing the same thing!). Today, I went on and wrote the passage I chose and had the chance to read all of the passages other seistas chose. I loved it. What a fabulous way to pour over Scripture! I even fell in love with a verse and chose it for the fifteenth. I am really already having fun with it. The whole point of doing it together is accountability. I am going to post my progress on this blog as well because it is much smaller and will account for more immediate accountability.

If you want to take the challenge, sign up here.
and then start here.

Since it is the 1st...I chose to start with the meaning of it all...

John 1:14
"The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth."

and here is the gem I found for the 15th...

Jeremiah 15:16 (NIrV)
"When I received your words, I ate them. They filled me with joy. My heart took delight in them. Lord God who rules over all, I belong to you."

I hope you join us!