Thursday, September 25, 2008

You know your too busy when...

We sat down to dinner tonight. Ian gets up to the table and looks at Troy and I. He says "So, which one of you has Bible study tonight?" hhmmmm.... We at least get points for being in Bible study, right?


Ian: Mom do you remember when I got stung by a bee?

me: I do. It hurt a lot.

Ian: But God healed me.

me: Yes, He did and it doesn't hurt anymore.

Ian: Nope. Do you know why God healed me?

me: Why?

Ian: Because He is my God.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008


So, we are still working on a title that fits both of us and the things we are likely to blog about....suggestions?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What! What!

So the current phrase going around our house is not "dude" or "seriously" or "whatever" or "butt stinkin'" or "are you kidding me" as it has been in the past... but 'someone' has taken up the phrase "What! What!" And the phrase is not a questioning statement... but a from the hood 'What What' as an exclamation.
I do not understand.
Seriously, whatever. I don't get it. I am not even sure when to shout 'What What.' Dude, I don't even know what it means. I think the other phrases we use are butt stinkin' awesome and should not be replaced by these new fangled phrases. I like the old ones. "True that!"

Sunday, September 7, 2008

A Great Reminder

I was reading one of my favorite blogs, The LPM Blog, and found this excerpt from the book Devotions for a Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas in the blog called Marriage Vitamins by Amanda Jones.

From "A Soul Filled with God" on p. 9:

Personal worship is an absolute necessity for a strong marriage. It comes down to this: If I stop receiving from God, I start demanding from others. Instead of appreciating and loving and serving others, I become disappointed in them. Instead of cherishing my wife, I become aware of her shortcomings. I take out my frustrations with a less-than-perfect life and somehow blame her for my lack of fulfillment.

But when my heart gets filled by God's love and acceptance, I'm set free to love instead of worrying about being loved. I'm motivated to serve instead of becoming obsessed about whether I'm being served. I'm moved to cherish instead of feeling unappreciated.

I am by no means an expert on marriage (just ask T), but this definitely speaks to what I know about God. He created us for relationships but wants us to choose Him above all else. I know that I have always found it be true that if Troy and I are having problems, one or both of us is having an issue with God. I know that one of my greatest struggles is putting my husband second to God. I adore my husband but, without a doubt, if I seek to find my worth in him, he will do something that disappoints or hurts me. When I seek to find my worth in Christ, I can offer Troy complete support, encouragement and love. hhhmmmm....I guess, just like everything in life, marriage works best when "personal worship" or filling your life with Christ comes first.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Identity Crisis

SO, I am having an identity crisis caused by....wait for it....wait for it...New Kids on the Block. I still like them...or like them again or whatever.

I was a ridiculous fan back in the day. I had enough posters on my wall to be considered wallpaper. All the tapes...yep, tapes. Really, I was RIDICULOUS. My mom will tell you that when we moved from Germany back to the States during my New Kids phase, I would not allow my posters to be shipped for fear of damage or going to long without looking at them or whatever. So, I put them in a duffel bag...probably thousands of was so heavy. I dragged the duffel bag through airports and took it as my one carry-on for a 10 hour flight. My friend's family and my family drove 4 hours to see them in concert in Munich (my brother is cringing at the memory).

So, now that I have put behind me my somewhat embarrassing youthful obsession, they decided to reunite. I am deciding which one is...well, back then, it was cutest (I was a Jon fan), it is hottest (kind of digging Danny...what a body...and the tats, yum) again. I can't get Summertime out of my head. In fact, I really like all the new music. Looking back at old pictures of them, they look goofy...but have you seen pics of them now...goofy is not the word that comes to mind.

WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!?!?!?! I am an adult...a grown woman. Women do not like boy bands. **groans**