Thursday, September 30, 2010


I'm on time! I'm on time!  Hey, do you have a type of product that you'd like me to tell you about...what I use or maybe I can try something out for you?  Let me know...I love to find new favorite products or share things that I love.
 Nivea Lip Care

I hate having dry lips.  I hate it.  This lip balm is so emollient and lasting.  It feels like it sinks in and it seems like using it once a day really solves any issues with dryness.  Beyond lips look great when I wear it.  I love lip color but, sometimes, I need something easier...but I still want to look good.  I have one of these sitting on my desk and one on my purse.  I love that it gives my lips a sheen...makes them soft and feel good, and it treats them.

Oil of Olay Age Defying Cleansing Cloths

I hate taking off my make-up at night...mostly, I stay up way too late and do not have the time (or want to take the time) for a nightly "routine."  But I should.  It is better for my skin if I remove my make-up and any residue from the day from my face.  This product gave me a happy medium.  It is so fast and easy.  It cleanses my face and leaves a little treatment.  I can use the cloths on my entire face.  This takes off my eye make-up as well...including mascara.  It does not irritate my eyes and does a pretty good job of taking off every thing.  Sometimes, the best products are easy and good for you!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

FAB: TILT...on Saturday

I told you it would happen!  I thought I would a least be able to remember for the first few weeks!  Oh well!

If we are friends on facebook, you know I am currently a bit obsessed with Friday Night Lights.  I LOVE IT! (I watched all of season 1 in a week!)
5 Things I love about FNL:
  1. The Characters: They are people I knew in high school.  The characters are so realistic and well written that I wouldn't be surprised to know they were real people.  My favorite character is Tammy...or Landry...maybe it's Eric...or Tim...nope, definitely Tammy.
  2. No sets!  There are no sets.  They film it in houses, outside, in a school, restaurant or store.
  3. The actors:  I never feel like they are just saying lines.  I believe the emotions and completely buy the relationships.
  4. The football.  I remember high school games...this takes me right back.  I also love that it is more about the characters than the football.

um, yeah.

Honorable mention: the writing...not only are the stories great the dialogue is fantastically realistic and witty.

Tostitos Multigrain tortilla chips

While you are checking out Friday Night Lights or having nachos for dinner, these chips are so good and better for you!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Lost Sheep

I have been thinking about the pursuant nature of God lately.  I think a commercial on Spirit FM brought it up.  A guy talks about how Jesus left the ninety-nine to come after him...the commercial cuts to the Audio Adrenaline song Leaving 99.  There are so many things that I love about that picture...the one of the Messiah seeking one lost sheep. 
One thing that I love is that the sheep was His.  It is so comforting to know that if I was ever lost, He would come after me.  He loves me enough...values me enough to pursue me.  The God of the universe...Creator of all things, Ancient of Days, Savior of all mankind would pursue me.  How humbling.  Knowing that Jesus pursues those that are His also gives me hope.  I know some people who knew Him...who were His...and chose sin.  How precious is the knowledge that He is pursuing them.
Sometimes, I wonder if I miss opportunities to be obedient when asked to join His pursuit.  There are times when someone is just placed in our hearts...and we know.  He is asking you to be used.  I think it often happens when we least expect it and with people we would never choose, but He asks us to join Him in His pursuit.  He doesn't do it because He needs our help...He doesn't.  He asks us because He is pursuing us as much as the lost.  He is shaping our hearts and molding our will.  I know I miss opportunities to be used.  I think I can't make a difference or I get talked out of it by people who know the person well or I feel awkward about how or I don't prioritize it or my faults get in the way.  There are times when I involve myself in a pursuit that I was never called to because I have a strong opinion on the situation....I am seeing my opportunity to "speak the truth in love" least, the truth as I see it.
I guess I have been preoccupied with God's pursuant nature because I am in a situation right now where I am wondering if God is asking me to "help" Him pursue someone.  I have a strong opinion, but someone close to her told me not to bother.  I am fairly certain I can't make a difference, but I can't shake the thought either.   Is He asking me to join Him?  The Creator, Savior, Father, and Lord of all left ninety-nine for one...maybe, it is her.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Love Yourself!

And I love Me! 
Today's Truth Matthew 22:37-38 (NIV) "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself."
Friend to Friend I love being a grandmother. I absolutely adore our three grandchildren and work hard at finding any and every excuse to spend time with them. The games I played with their parents, I now play with them. I read many of the same stories that I read to their parents and have come up with new renditions of old songs I once sang as a young mother. I am convinced that my grandchildren keep me young. I am also convinced that they are some of my greatest and most profound teachers. Maybe that is because they are so "fresh" from Heaven and the presence of God. Whatever the reason, when I spend time with them, I always come away with new truth.
I recently visited our son and daughter-in-law in Charlotte, North Carolina because two of our three grandchildren live with them. They are twins. As you can imagine, life is anything but dull as Jered and Jodi try to keep up with three-year-old Lelia and Jaydan. It seems like the twins do or say something new every day and I can now testify to the fact that are learning to talk ... a lot! They are also learning how to pray.
As we sat down at the dinner table one night, I watched Lelia and Jaydan bow their heads and begin to sing the blessing. It was one of those life moments I will never forget. But there was more. When the song was finished, Jered prayed, "Thank You, God, for our food and our home. Thank You for Mommy, Daddy, Lelia, Jaydan and for Mimi." I waited for the usual "amen" but instead, heard two sweet voices offer their own thanks. Lelia ended their prayer time by pointing to each person seated at the table and declaring, "I love Mommy and Daddy. I love JayJay. I love Mimi." Then came the "amen" from daddy. However, Lelia was not done. With sparkling eyes and a smile that would melt any heart, she pointed to herself and said, "And I love me!"
And there you have the three-year-old translation of the two most important commandments Jesus ever gave. "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself" Matthew 22:37-38 (NIV).
Jesus is responding to a question he was asked by an interpreter of the law. I suspect the motive behind the question was far from pure, but Jesus responded with pure truth when He said that the love of God is the "first and greatest commandment." In other words, our love of God must not only be not sincere but radical. If we love God, we sell out to Him and will naturally serve Him by loving and serving others. Too often, we stop right there and never get to the second most important commandment. Jesus said we are to love our neighbor as we love ourselves.
Yes, there is a self-love that is corrupt, and the root of the greatest sins we can possibly commit. That kind of self-love must die. However, Jesus teaches that we are to love ourselves enough to take care of and be concerned with the welfare of our own bodies and souls. Our body houses the Holy Spirit. Our soul is eternal. We are responsible for the care of both. And we must love our neighbor as truly and sincerely as we love ourselves. That kind of love often asks us to deny ourselves for the good of others because people could care less how much we know, until they know how much we care. Our choice to obey these two commandments will mold our heart and life into something beautiful that honors and pleases God.
The psalmist writes, "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well" (Psalm 139:13-14). You can judge the value and the worth of a product by looking at the one who made it. You are no accident. You were created by God - for God - and even if you were never wanted or planned by human heart and mind, you were planned and wanted by God. So, love your neighbor and while you are at it, love yourself

Now It's Your Turn Read the following verses of Scripture and answer the questions listed below.
Ephesians 2:10 "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."  
  • How does this verse of Scripture emphasize the fact that you and I were created in response to God's plan, not as an afterthought or as an accident?
Psalm 8:3-5 "When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor."
  • How do these verses line up with the way you see yourself right now? What one immediate change do you need to make in order to see yourself the way God sees you? 
Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
  • Are you living a life plan that gives you hope and a future? Is it the right plan?  
Read and memorize Isaiah 43:4 and make it one of your life verses. "You are precious and honored in my sight, and I love you." 
More from the Girlfriends
Learning to see ourselves through the eyes of God - no more and no less - is fundamental to a life of power and victory. The enemy would love for us to think that we are worthless and of little or no value to God. Do not buy his lies! You are loved and wanted by God, friend. Now live like it!

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Attention by Know Hope Collective
I remember when I first heard this song.  When the chorus came on and I heard "You have my attention, Lord."  Each word came with a thud in my heart.  It stopped me cold.  The words resonated with my soul.  In that moment, He had my undivided attention.
So many things vie for my attention each day.  The list is long...really unending it seems.  There is always something to do and something to distract me from that.  It is so hard to find time to give my undivided attention to the Lord.  I crave that time.  Beyond that I want to live with my attention on an unceasing awareness of Him.  I remember learning what the original language for acknowledge meant in the verse Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6).  It seems obvious now but it means know.  To know Him in all your ways.  To know Him in all you every situation I need to KNOW Him there.  That makes so much sense to have my attention focused on the Lord so I can know Him in every situation or circumstance I find myself in. 
I feel like I live so much of my life with my attention on the immediate which is so often worldly.  How fleeting...what a waste.  I want to know You more...You have my attention.

Friday, September 17, 2010

The Rest of the Story

Last week, I told you about Nate's bravery on a skateboard.  I didn't tell you that Nate got spooked and fell.  He got hurt pretty bad and declared that he was never going to ride a skateboard again.  He did admit that it was really fun before he fell.
I told you that I want to have Nate's bravery in how I surrender myself to God.  I want to whole heartedly sacrifice my  life to His will. 
News of tragedy in the life of a high school friend has made me think of life's spooks.  I mentioned in my prayer requests that Jessi just lost her 10 month old baby girl after a life long battle with several medical issues.  I did not mention that once before Carrie was born and once after, Jessi had a miscarriage.  I also did not mention that her mother has had several health issues in the last four years and has had some majors surgeries and even was having surgery today or that her husband in active duty military which means time in the middle east.  Talk about something that can make you fall...
I hope Jessi chooses faith.  I wonder if I would cling to the promise that each day has all the mercy and grace I will need to survive.  Would I remember that He has equipped us for that to which we have been called...and you ARE called to each moment...even those of suffering?  (1 Peter 2:21  "To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps.")  Would I know that He was drawing the property lines of my inheritance and that He had plans for everything in my life to be of benefit to me and those He asks me to minister through my pain to?  Would I trust His promise of comfort, provision...abundant life?  I hope I would.  I would hate to miss the fun and focus on the spook only to fall.

Mutual Admiration Society

To my precious friend Tara!

I think that you are wonderful, beautiful and unique.  I am blessed by your honest pursuit to not just know Christ but to live for Him.  I thought today that if my life were different I would love to drive to Lakeland have lunch with you and dig into Scripture at least a few times a month.  Your perspective is challenging and refreshing.  I so appreciate this summer that gave us time together and regret not pursuing it more.
I have one more song for you because I hope that you know that the narrow path you are traveling is worth it.  One thing I know...a life sacrificed to Christ is worth every minute.  You, sweet friend, are dearly loved!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

FAB: Things I love!

So, I am trying something new...I am pretty sure that I will only get through a few weeks of keeping up with it before I forget, but I am going to try a weekly feature.  I have not been keeping up with my product reviews...and, honestly, I am not reviewing things I don't like...SO...Welcome to:
Things I Love Thursday!

Most people who love beauty products are familiar with Sephora.  It is a wonderful collection of amazing beauty's like an upscale beauty section like at your favorite drug store with beauty counters like in a department store.  The best brands and tons of selection.  Sephora also has it's own brand of several beauty products which is wonderful.  Sephora is a must visit for girlie girls.  Here is why I love the online store: weekly specials and the insider. offers weekly specials that are fantastic deals (this week you can get a bare escentual primer for $6 or urban decay mineral eye shadow for $5 - I got 2!).  If you sign up to be an insider, you get emails about the weekly specials, but you also earn points...which leads to wonderful things like deluxe samples (travel size products - today, they had a laura mercier mascara, a smash box primer, a perfume and others to choose from).  The emails also present brand new products for insiders to try before the general public.  There are also great tips on the takes a profile of your coloring and picks products that suit you.  Beauty fans and newbies will love exploring the site!

If you paint your nails, OPI is the only brand worth using.  There are more colors than you can imagine to choose from...ugly to beautiful to match any one's taste.  They have different finishes and range from glittery top coats to opaque colors with little shine or gloss and everything in between.  Beyond all that, OPI is the best because it lasts.  Depending on your activity level and the type of shoes you wear (close toe shoes are obviously harder on a pedicure), your polish will last for quite some time.  It is worth the few extra dollars for the extra days between changing polish.  I have tons of colors and am willing to share!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Reveal Yourself

In the first session of the Here and Now, There and Then..., Beth Moore asks those taking the study to make a ten week commitment.  The study is on the book of Revelation and while the study will take us to end time events and the glory of heaven, it will also reveal so much about Jesus.  Beth asks us to commit to asking God each day to reveal Himself to every lesson, time spent in the Word, during each sermon or lesson I hear, encounters, songs.  I want see Jesus more, but I don't ask for it often...I'm not even sure that I look for Him in all things so He can reveal Himself to me.  That is all about to change.  I am going to spend the next 10 weeks asking God to reveal Himself.
She also asked us to journal about those experiences.  I am not a big journal person (I say in my blog!).  BUT I am willing to try.  I haven't decided yet if I am going to actually keep a journal or share my revelations here.  I guess it will depend on where I see He reveals Himself...if it is meant for just me.
I love being in Bible study...I remember each season for different reasons.  I am hoping in a few years when I look back at this season I will remember this as a time when God revealed Himself to me...that I saw Him clearer...that I knew Him more.  Reveal Yourself, Lord.  You have my attention.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Feel the Wind

We visited my parents for Labor Day weekend.  They have a beautiful home in the suburbs of Atlanta.  They live in a fairly secluded subdivision on a large lot.  My kids have so much more room there to be free.  They have skateboards that live there, and Abby has inherited my mom's bicycle.  They also have a rather large hill in front of their house.  Not a steep one exactly but long enough that you can get going pretty fast. 
My children have varying levels of bravery.  Ian is not so brave...maybe normal for the youngest.  He will go down the hill on his skateboard sitting down which you can control better than standing...but usually only once and with great trepidation.  Abigail works herself up to bravery.  She is not really a fan of going down on her skateboard sitting down because she is older and bigger so she doesn't really fit well...her feet hang off.  She did finally work herself to going down on the bike after successfully managing some smaller hills on a ride with Papaw.  Nathanael is my brave one.  He is willing to take the risk first.  He rode down the hill several times sitting down.  He loves it.  Then he got even braver.  He went down the hill on his skateboard standing up.
I hope that I am like Nate.  Brave enough to go on this wild ride with God surrendering my fears...walking in faith.  To really give God control so I am riding with my head thrown back enjoying the breeze.  I see myself in the stages of Ian...too scared to really let go.  I also see myself in Abigail...letting go a piece at a time but never really surrendering my whole heart.  I want to be free from fear, worry, doubt.  I want to be like like a child.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Fab: Quick Hits

  • If you are on Twitter, follow Beth Moore, Amanda Moore and CollegeGameDay!  They are my favorites.
  • I got my new body frosting!!!  Have you tried it yet?  So worth it.
  • On facebook, like TheFind.  If you are looking for an elusive product, post it on their wall and they will try to find where you can get it.  They also have tons of giveaways.  The actual website is not bad for comparing prices, also.
  • Purple is super hot for nails right now.  Brown or teal is another good choice...break out from the red/pink rut.
  • Don't overdo trends.  More than one or, maybe, two trends in one outfit screams wannabe.  Pick only one or two so people know you know what's up, but you don't look ridonkulous.
  • Great study for your quiet time: word study on thorns.  It is so interesting and reminds me how God was purposeful with each word He used.
  • I ran out of eye primer yesterday and about died.  Guess where I went on my lunch...
  • I really loved The Last Song...and I am so not a Nicholas Sparks kind of girl.  (at least in books...I have liked most of the movies - I haven't seen this one, though)
  • Speaking of nail polish - use OPI.  Every. Time.  In fact, I think I will save my thoughts on that for it's own review.
  • Speaking of reviews - read my product reviews under a few of my favorite things.  I am currently trying out some mascara that I think will make the list soon. 
  • I heard something that I loved - Kindness is the new black.  I love it.  (I had to explain it to Troy - MEN!)  I have adopted it.  So if kindness is the new black; I hope you are wearing it everyday! 

The List

Something I read in one of my devotionals made me smile this morning.  You know, a smile of recognition...
I'll never forget the email I received from a husband who described in point-by-point detail what he hoped to get from one of our marriage conferences he and his wife were scheduled to attend. I can't squeeze all of them onto this page, but you'll get the idea.
I need you to talk to my wife about:

1. Getting her to stop watching bad TV shows
2. Getting her to read the Bible
3. Getting her to listen to Christian music
4. Getting her to support the charity work I do
5. Getting her to realize that she's a sinner
6. Getting her to stop drinking beer
7. Getting her to stop wasting our family's money
8. Getting her to stop worrying about fixing up our home
9. Getting her to realize she's setting a bad example...
I have my list...God, teach him this...make him him quit that.  I have so often thought that my marriage would be perfect if my husband acted like I told him to.  If that man would just behave...goodness, my life would be so much easier. 
I don't have the benefit of decades and decades of marriage...but I have been married for years and years.  One thing that I am certain of:  I cannot change my man.  I have absolutely no control over how he chooses to act or what he thinks...heck, I can't even get him to wear what I want him to.  What I do know is that God can change him...but that doesn't mean that bringing God a laundry list of things I wish my husband was or did honors my man or my God. 
First, it completely absolves me of any responsibility in my marriage.  Truth is, I could be married to the perfect man, and my marriage would still be flawed just because I am part of it.  God has some work to do on me.  Troy has his list, I am sure.  Second, it robs Troy of the opportunity to do his own thing with God.  God is working in my husband.  He is working for my husband's good.  My list may not be of benefit to Troy. 
Don't get me wrong, I totally believe that God wants us to vent to Him.  I tell on Troy all the time.  I just don't think that hanging my hopes on God doing what I say to, in and for my man will make marriage perfect.  I will trust God to be faithful in my marriage...He always has been.  He has never given me reason to doubt that He knows and wants His best for my family.  My man isn't perfect and my marriage is perfect, but my God is.