Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Worship...AI Style?

I hope this works...

I hope this works...
So, I don't watch American Idol which is why this is seriously late...but in my exploration of MyChurch, I saw that youtube video of some AI finalists singing Shout to the Lord. It really is beautiful. And because I don't watch AI, I can't pretend to know anything about all the people singing, but I imagine they are not all believers. Some probably have mentioned faith in the packages you watch before they sing...like I said I don't watch it. But it is probably a safe bet to say that most of them learned the song to perform it.
That made me consider the difference between performing a song and worshipping. If you have seen it (on the show or here on my blog - hopefully), the setting was amazing...a full choir in a huge auditorium. The capacity for a moment of beautiful offering to our Lord is huge. But I wonder what He heard. The Word says that He inhabits the praises of His people but what if the people praising aren't His?
I hope that all of you have experienced worship inhabited by God. It is by far my favorite experience in this life. But I have also witnessed "worship" not motivated by a heart filled with love for the Lord. "Worship" that is not about the worthiness of God but about the voice of the person singing. It just seems hollow. If I am honest, sometimes, when it comes to worship, I am just singing...and in the process missing out on an opportunity to tell my Father that He is worthy because He always is.
I guess I am not putting the AI performance in one category or the other. It just made me think about worship. Jesus says that worship should happen in Spirit and in truth. But sometimes I think God just hears a pretty song.

God's love does not depend on you keeping the rules...?

So, I am quote-ish-ing (which means it was something close to that but maybe not word for word) a sermon from two weeks ago that I did not hear but my husband did. (I actually heard the sermon later and John did not say it that time.) Anyway, the idea of rules is an ongoing discussion between Troy and I. We disagree (usually peacefully) about whether or not God has rules.
If you know us at all, you may have figured out where each of us falls in the debate...you may have even heard (or taken part in) one of our discussions on the subject. I think that God has a way of life that we can choose or not. If we choose His way, we should remain in that way. Troy thinks that God has a list of Dos and Don'ts. I think that when you understand grace and freedom in Christ seeing that the Word points out the way to experience abundant life and following out of love for Him is easy. Troy thinks that God has standards that we must/should try to keep.
John's statement interests me because it doesn't really confirm either side. While it does mention rules, it implies that it is not necessary to keep them. The more I turn it over in my mind the more it makes me want to agree with Troy. (don't get too excited, T) Here's the thing...God will love you if you keep the rules or not. His Word says that He died for us when we were still sinners. But His acceptance certainly comes after we follow some guidelines...steps...boundaries...rules He has decided upon. We must do something to be accepted. Repent, believe, confess, baptize...whether you believe you must do some or all of those, you have to agree you must do something. Beyond choosing Him once, you must continue to daily pick up your cross and follow to remain in Him. So, does following Him mean following the rules...?

the discussion continues

Soap Opera God

(I guess that by writing this I am admitting to watching a soap opera. I do. The best one on TV according to the Daytime Emmys tonight, in fact. Anyway...)
So, has anyone ever noticed that soap characters only talk to or about God when something tragic has happened? Sometimes, I am proud that they mention Him at all. Mostly I think, I hope I am not like that...a sometimes or specific times follower. Isn't the key to a relationship continuity? How can I claim a relationship with someone I don't meet up with? Why would I go to a stranger in my highs or lows?
My favorite verse (it is hard to write that because there is so much good stuff in God's Word) is Psalms 63:3 "Because Your love is better than life, my lips will glorify You." I know that I need God all the time. I hope that I glorify Him all the time. Sometimes, it is just easier to glorify Him. Just like sometimes it is easier to cry out to Him. When things are hard, it is easy to see that His love is better than life but not always easy to glorify or praise Him. On the other hand, sometimes when things are hard, we can't see His love and may even doubt that it is there. When things are good it is easy to praise Him but harder to remember that no matter how "good" life is His love is better. And sometimes when things are good, we forget to praise Him or give Him credit altogether. I love this verse because I easily see the need for consistency in it.
What I hope is true in my life is I always know and trust that He loves me...that I understand that His love is perfect and focused on me in all situations...that He walks with me through the bad and is the source of the good. If you truly understand those absolute truths, you have no choice. The only response is praise. I have no choice but to glorify Him.