Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Things I've Learned this far

  • It really matters how you live your life. - My grandparents were not perfect, but they loved the Lord.  They were doing exactly what I think that God asks us to do each day.  They worked to make the Lord famous with the people God brought into their sphere of influence.  None of the four Leach girls picked a man that knew the Lord but my grandparents required that the men their girls dated go to church.  So my dad and uncles all did.  All of them know the Lord now.  My dad's two sisters also came to my grandpa's funeral.  His sisters were 5 and 6 when my parents began dating.  My mom's parents took those little girls to church also and brought them over to their house for ice cream.  My grandma had backyard Bible clubs that Lilly and Joyce came to.   Joyce said yesterday that the impact my grandparents had on my dad's entire family was incredible.  That means so much to me...because I realize that so much of who I am comes from who they were with the people in their lives.  My grandparents lived lives of love that pursued those who did not know the Lord.  How often does someone come into my life that I leave alone instead of pursuing for the cause of Christ?  Do I live like I understand that life without Christ is dead...that life abundant is a blessing I should share?
  • Being extravagant with words of love is important.  I have some cousins who are fantastically open with verbal affection.  It's not my way.  I want it to be.
  • Death is so final...even though I know every omega has an alpha.  I had the opportunity to see my grandpa two weeks ago and that time will always be precious to me.  I thought I was done...and I was.  I told him I love him so much.  Troy shared how his faith touched all they way to our family.  We laughed together.  I told him he was precious to me and he kissed my hand.  It was a very...satisfyingly sweet ending...but his death was still so final.   
  • Sometimes, God teaches us things right before we will need to cling to them.  I spent the fall semester of Bible study studying Revelation and one of the most impactful things that I learned is that God is eternal which means with every ending there will be a beginning.  Like every alpha has an omega, every omega has a alpha.  How lovely to know that while Grandpa's earthly life has ended, he is having a glorious beginning in heaven with our Savior.
  • I love my family...deeply.  Often for people whose love language is quality time like me, distance can kill relationships because you are obviously getting no quality time.  My family lives all over the States from Michigan to Texas.  Sometimes, I don't realize how much I miss and love them.  I simply cherish each one and treasure times we are all together.  How precious it was this weekend to see the next generation playing together.  I can't wait to see them again and add the missing ones.
  • I was crazy to think I would be able to read anything much less something so deeply felt.
  • Old pictures are equal parts a blessing and a curse...bad fashion comes back to haunt you.  Saying "that was in then" doesn't really help.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Legacy of Faith

I was born into a Christian home because John and Dolores Leach loved the Lord
I gave my life to the Lord as a child because my grandparents impressed Scripture on their daughters’ hearts.
I made it through my teen years with my faith intact because the Leach girls where in church every Sunday.
I married a Christian man because my grandparents taught my dad to love by showing him the love of Christ.
My marriage has survived and been strengthened because Grandma and Grandpa spoke my name before the Lord everyday.
My children know the Lord because a foundation of faith was laid before I was born.
I will continue to serve the Lord for all the days of my life because I see the rewards of a life chosen to live by faith.
I rejoice today because the earthly rewards I see pale in comparison to the heavenly rewards my Grandpa is receiving for choosing that life marked by faith.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Post with No Point

I haven't really blogged least not anything orginal.  I haven't done tilt in a few weeks...I wonder why?  I think I have had too much life recently to sit back and think or reflect and write about it.  I have been living it with no time to stop and think about what's going on around me.  I hate that.  How can I learn if I can't think about it?  Life is passing me by.  I end up feeling kind of numb...that's kind of where I am at now.  I had the opportunity to go to Women of Faith for free this weekend...I know it would have been amazing, but I needed last night to do chores and today to do nothing.
My day today has been relaxing but has not drawn me out of the funk I have been in...I got to sleep in and wake up slowly with my man (Isn't it wonderful when your kids get to the age when you can trust them to make their own breakfast and quietly spend their morning?  I love it!!) and have spent most of the day watching football...alone and with Troy and Jason.  Good stuff, but I have just felt ugh all day. I am hoping that by this time tomorrow I will finally feel rested.

Thursday, September 30, 2010


I'm on time! I'm on time!  Hey, do you have a type of product that you'd like me to tell you about...what I use or maybe I can try something out for you?  Let me know...I love to find new favorite products or share things that I love.
 Nivea Lip Care

I hate having dry lips.  I hate it.  This lip balm is so emollient and lasting.  It feels like it sinks in and it seems like using it once a day really solves any issues with dryness.  Beyond lips look great when I wear it.  I love lip color but, sometimes, I need something easier...but I still want to look good.  I have one of these sitting on my desk and one on my purse.  I love that it gives my lips a sheen...makes them soft and feel good, and it treats them.

Oil of Olay Age Defying Cleansing Cloths

I hate taking off my make-up at night...mostly, I stay up way too late and do not have the time (or want to take the time) for a nightly "routine."  But I should.  It is better for my skin if I remove my make-up and any residue from the day from my face.  This product gave me a happy medium.  It is so fast and easy.  It cleanses my face and leaves a little treatment.  I can use the cloths on my entire face.  This takes off my eye make-up as well...including mascara.  It does not irritate my eyes and does a pretty good job of taking off every thing.  Sometimes, the best products are easy and good for you!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

FAB: TILT...on Saturday

I told you it would happen!  I thought I would a least be able to remember for the first few weeks!  Oh well!

If we are friends on facebook, you know I am currently a bit obsessed with Friday Night Lights.  I LOVE IT! (I watched all of season 1 in a week!)
5 Things I love about FNL:
  1. The Characters: They are people I knew in high school.  The characters are so realistic and well written that I wouldn't be surprised to know they were real people.  My favorite character is Tammy...or Landry...maybe it's Eric...or Tim...nope, definitely Tammy.
  2. No sets!  There are no sets.  They film it in houses, outside, in a school, restaurant or store.
  3. The actors:  I never feel like they are just saying lines.  I believe the emotions and completely buy the relationships.
  4. The football.  I remember high school games...this takes me right back.  I also love that it is more about the characters than the football.

um, yeah.

Honorable mention: the writing...not only are the stories great the dialogue is fantastically realistic and witty.

Tostitos Multigrain tortilla chips

While you are checking out Friday Night Lights or having nachos for dinner, these chips are so good and better for you!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Lost Sheep

I have been thinking about the pursuant nature of God lately.  I think a commercial on Spirit FM brought it up.  A guy talks about how Jesus left the ninety-nine to come after him...the commercial cuts to the Audio Adrenaline song Leaving 99.  There are so many things that I love about that picture...the one of the Messiah seeking one lost sheep. 
One thing that I love is that the sheep was His.  It is so comforting to know that if I was ever lost, He would come after me.  He loves me enough...values me enough to pursue me.  The God of the universe...Creator of all things, Ancient of Days, Savior of all mankind would pursue me.  How humbling.  Knowing that Jesus pursues those that are His also gives me hope.  I know some people who knew Him...who were His...and chose sin.  How precious is the knowledge that He is pursuing them.
Sometimes, I wonder if I miss opportunities to be obedient when asked to join His pursuit.  There are times when someone is just placed in our hearts...and we know.  He is asking you to be used.  I think it often happens when we least expect it and with people we would never choose, but He asks us to join Him in His pursuit.  He doesn't do it because He needs our help...He doesn't.  He asks us because He is pursuing us as much as the lost.  He is shaping our hearts and molding our will.  I know I miss opportunities to be used.  I think I can't make a difference or I get talked out of it by people who know the person well or I feel awkward about how or I don't prioritize it or my faults get in the way.  There are times when I involve myself in a pursuit that I was never called to because I have a strong opinion on the situation....I am seeing my opportunity to "speak the truth in love" least, the truth as I see it.
I guess I have been preoccupied with God's pursuant nature because I am in a situation right now where I am wondering if God is asking me to "help" Him pursue someone.  I have a strong opinion, but someone close to her told me not to bother.  I am fairly certain I can't make a difference, but I can't shake the thought either.   Is He asking me to join Him?  The Creator, Savior, Father, and Lord of all left ninety-nine for one...maybe, it is her.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Love Yourself!

And I love Me! 
Today's Truth Matthew 22:37-38 (NIV) "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself."
Friend to Friend I love being a grandmother. I absolutely adore our three grandchildren and work hard at finding any and every excuse to spend time with them. The games I played with their parents, I now play with them. I read many of the same stories that I read to their parents and have come up with new renditions of old songs I once sang as a young mother. I am convinced that my grandchildren keep me young. I am also convinced that they are some of my greatest and most profound teachers. Maybe that is because they are so "fresh" from Heaven and the presence of God. Whatever the reason, when I spend time with them, I always come away with new truth.
I recently visited our son and daughter-in-law in Charlotte, North Carolina because two of our three grandchildren live with them. They are twins. As you can imagine, life is anything but dull as Jered and Jodi try to keep up with three-year-old Lelia and Jaydan. It seems like the twins do or say something new every day and I can now testify to the fact that are learning to talk ... a lot! They are also learning how to pray.
As we sat down at the dinner table one night, I watched Lelia and Jaydan bow their heads and begin to sing the blessing. It was one of those life moments I will never forget. But there was more. When the song was finished, Jered prayed, "Thank You, God, for our food and our home. Thank You for Mommy, Daddy, Lelia, Jaydan and for Mimi." I waited for the usual "amen" but instead, heard two sweet voices offer their own thanks. Lelia ended their prayer time by pointing to each person seated at the table and declaring, "I love Mommy and Daddy. I love JayJay. I love Mimi." Then came the "amen" from daddy. However, Lelia was not done. With sparkling eyes and a smile that would melt any heart, she pointed to herself and said, "And I love me!"
And there you have the three-year-old translation of the two most important commandments Jesus ever gave. "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself" Matthew 22:37-38 (NIV).
Jesus is responding to a question he was asked by an interpreter of the law. I suspect the motive behind the question was far from pure, but Jesus responded with pure truth when He said that the love of God is the "first and greatest commandment." In other words, our love of God must not only be not sincere but radical. If we love God, we sell out to Him and will naturally serve Him by loving and serving others. Too often, we stop right there and never get to the second most important commandment. Jesus said we are to love our neighbor as we love ourselves.
Yes, there is a self-love that is corrupt, and the root of the greatest sins we can possibly commit. That kind of self-love must die. However, Jesus teaches that we are to love ourselves enough to take care of and be concerned with the welfare of our own bodies and souls. Our body houses the Holy Spirit. Our soul is eternal. We are responsible for the care of both. And we must love our neighbor as truly and sincerely as we love ourselves. That kind of love often asks us to deny ourselves for the good of others because people could care less how much we know, until they know how much we care. Our choice to obey these two commandments will mold our heart and life into something beautiful that honors and pleases God.
The psalmist writes, "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well" (Psalm 139:13-14). You can judge the value and the worth of a product by looking at the one who made it. You are no accident. You were created by God - for God - and even if you were never wanted or planned by human heart and mind, you were planned and wanted by God. So, love your neighbor and while you are at it, love yourself

Now It's Your Turn Read the following verses of Scripture and answer the questions listed below.
Ephesians 2:10 "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."  
  • How does this verse of Scripture emphasize the fact that you and I were created in response to God's plan, not as an afterthought or as an accident?
Psalm 8:3-5 "When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor."
  • How do these verses line up with the way you see yourself right now? What one immediate change do you need to make in order to see yourself the way God sees you? 
Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
  • Are you living a life plan that gives you hope and a future? Is it the right plan?  
Read and memorize Isaiah 43:4 and make it one of your life verses. "You are precious and honored in my sight, and I love you." 
More from the Girlfriends
Learning to see ourselves through the eyes of God - no more and no less - is fundamental to a life of power and victory. The enemy would love for us to think that we are worthless and of little or no value to God. Do not buy his lies! You are loved and wanted by God, friend. Now live like it!

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Attention by Know Hope Collective
I remember when I first heard this song.  When the chorus came on and I heard "You have my attention, Lord."  Each word came with a thud in my heart.  It stopped me cold.  The words resonated with my soul.  In that moment, He had my undivided attention.
So many things vie for my attention each day.  The list is long...really unending it seems.  There is always something to do and something to distract me from that.  It is so hard to find time to give my undivided attention to the Lord.  I crave that time.  Beyond that I want to live with my attention on an unceasing awareness of Him.  I remember learning what the original language for acknowledge meant in the verse Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6).  It seems obvious now but it means know.  To know Him in all your ways.  To know Him in all you every situation I need to KNOW Him there.  That makes so much sense to have my attention focused on the Lord so I can know Him in every situation or circumstance I find myself in. 
I feel like I live so much of my life with my attention on the immediate which is so often worldly.  How fleeting...what a waste.  I want to know You more...You have my attention.

Friday, September 17, 2010

The Rest of the Story

Last week, I told you about Nate's bravery on a skateboard.  I didn't tell you that Nate got spooked and fell.  He got hurt pretty bad and declared that he was never going to ride a skateboard again.  He did admit that it was really fun before he fell.
I told you that I want to have Nate's bravery in how I surrender myself to God.  I want to whole heartedly sacrifice my  life to His will. 
News of tragedy in the life of a high school friend has made me think of life's spooks.  I mentioned in my prayer requests that Jessi just lost her 10 month old baby girl after a life long battle with several medical issues.  I did not mention that once before Carrie was born and once after, Jessi had a miscarriage.  I also did not mention that her mother has had several health issues in the last four years and has had some majors surgeries and even was having surgery today or that her husband in active duty military which means time in the middle east.  Talk about something that can make you fall...
I hope Jessi chooses faith.  I wonder if I would cling to the promise that each day has all the mercy and grace I will need to survive.  Would I remember that He has equipped us for that to which we have been called...and you ARE called to each moment...even those of suffering?  (1 Peter 2:21  "To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps.")  Would I know that He was drawing the property lines of my inheritance and that He had plans for everything in my life to be of benefit to me and those He asks me to minister through my pain to?  Would I trust His promise of comfort, provision...abundant life?  I hope I would.  I would hate to miss the fun and focus on the spook only to fall.

Mutual Admiration Society

To my precious friend Tara!

I think that you are wonderful, beautiful and unique.  I am blessed by your honest pursuit to not just know Christ but to live for Him.  I thought today that if my life were different I would love to drive to Lakeland have lunch with you and dig into Scripture at least a few times a month.  Your perspective is challenging and refreshing.  I so appreciate this summer that gave us time together and regret not pursuing it more.
I have one more song for you because I hope that you know that the narrow path you are traveling is worth it.  One thing I know...a life sacrificed to Christ is worth every minute.  You, sweet friend, are dearly loved!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

FAB: Things I love!

So, I am trying something new...I am pretty sure that I will only get through a few weeks of keeping up with it before I forget, but I am going to try a weekly feature.  I have not been keeping up with my product reviews...and, honestly, I am not reviewing things I don't like...SO...Welcome to:
Things I Love Thursday!

Most people who love beauty products are familiar with Sephora.  It is a wonderful collection of amazing beauty's like an upscale beauty section like at your favorite drug store with beauty counters like in a department store.  The best brands and tons of selection.  Sephora also has it's own brand of several beauty products which is wonderful.  Sephora is a must visit for girlie girls.  Here is why I love the online store: weekly specials and the insider. offers weekly specials that are fantastic deals (this week you can get a bare escentual primer for $6 or urban decay mineral eye shadow for $5 - I got 2!).  If you sign up to be an insider, you get emails about the weekly specials, but you also earn points...which leads to wonderful things like deluxe samples (travel size products - today, they had a laura mercier mascara, a smash box primer, a perfume and others to choose from).  The emails also present brand new products for insiders to try before the general public.  There are also great tips on the takes a profile of your coloring and picks products that suit you.  Beauty fans and newbies will love exploring the site!

If you paint your nails, OPI is the only brand worth using.  There are more colors than you can imagine to choose from...ugly to beautiful to match any one's taste.  They have different finishes and range from glittery top coats to opaque colors with little shine or gloss and everything in between.  Beyond all that, OPI is the best because it lasts.  Depending on your activity level and the type of shoes you wear (close toe shoes are obviously harder on a pedicure), your polish will last for quite some time.  It is worth the few extra dollars for the extra days between changing polish.  I have tons of colors and am willing to share!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Reveal Yourself

In the first session of the Here and Now, There and Then..., Beth Moore asks those taking the study to make a ten week commitment.  The study is on the book of Revelation and while the study will take us to end time events and the glory of heaven, it will also reveal so much about Jesus.  Beth asks us to commit to asking God each day to reveal Himself to every lesson, time spent in the Word, during each sermon or lesson I hear, encounters, songs.  I want see Jesus more, but I don't ask for it often...I'm not even sure that I look for Him in all things so He can reveal Himself to me.  That is all about to change.  I am going to spend the next 10 weeks asking God to reveal Himself.
She also asked us to journal about those experiences.  I am not a big journal person (I say in my blog!).  BUT I am willing to try.  I haven't decided yet if I am going to actually keep a journal or share my revelations here.  I guess it will depend on where I see He reveals Himself...if it is meant for just me.
I love being in Bible study...I remember each season for different reasons.  I am hoping in a few years when I look back at this season I will remember this as a time when God revealed Himself to me...that I saw Him clearer...that I knew Him more.  Reveal Yourself, Lord.  You have my attention.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Feel the Wind

We visited my parents for Labor Day weekend.  They have a beautiful home in the suburbs of Atlanta.  They live in a fairly secluded subdivision on a large lot.  My kids have so much more room there to be free.  They have skateboards that live there, and Abby has inherited my mom's bicycle.  They also have a rather large hill in front of their house.  Not a steep one exactly but long enough that you can get going pretty fast. 
My children have varying levels of bravery.  Ian is not so brave...maybe normal for the youngest.  He will go down the hill on his skateboard sitting down which you can control better than standing...but usually only once and with great trepidation.  Abigail works herself up to bravery.  She is not really a fan of going down on her skateboard sitting down because she is older and bigger so she doesn't really fit well...her feet hang off.  She did finally work herself to going down on the bike after successfully managing some smaller hills on a ride with Papaw.  Nathanael is my brave one.  He is willing to take the risk first.  He rode down the hill several times sitting down.  He loves it.  Then he got even braver.  He went down the hill on his skateboard standing up.
I hope that I am like Nate.  Brave enough to go on this wild ride with God surrendering my fears...walking in faith.  To really give God control so I am riding with my head thrown back enjoying the breeze.  I see myself in the stages of Ian...too scared to really let go.  I also see myself in Abigail...letting go a piece at a time but never really surrendering my whole heart.  I want to be free from fear, worry, doubt.  I want to be like like a child.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Fab: Quick Hits

  • If you are on Twitter, follow Beth Moore, Amanda Moore and CollegeGameDay!  They are my favorites.
  • I got my new body frosting!!!  Have you tried it yet?  So worth it.
  • On facebook, like TheFind.  If you are looking for an elusive product, post it on their wall and they will try to find where you can get it.  They also have tons of giveaways.  The actual website is not bad for comparing prices, also.
  • Purple is super hot for nails right now.  Brown or teal is another good choice...break out from the red/pink rut.
  • Don't overdo trends.  More than one or, maybe, two trends in one outfit screams wannabe.  Pick only one or two so people know you know what's up, but you don't look ridonkulous.
  • Great study for your quiet time: word study on thorns.  It is so interesting and reminds me how God was purposeful with each word He used.
  • I ran out of eye primer yesterday and about died.  Guess where I went on my lunch...
  • I really loved The Last Song...and I am so not a Nicholas Sparks kind of girl.  (at least in books...I have liked most of the movies - I haven't seen this one, though)
  • Speaking of nail polish - use OPI.  Every. Time.  In fact, I think I will save my thoughts on that for it's own review.
  • Speaking of reviews - read my product reviews under a few of my favorite things.  I am currently trying out some mascara that I think will make the list soon. 
  • I heard something that I loved - Kindness is the new black.  I love it.  (I had to explain it to Troy - MEN!)  I have adopted it.  So if kindness is the new black; I hope you are wearing it everyday! 

The List

Something I read in one of my devotionals made me smile this morning.  You know, a smile of recognition...
I'll never forget the email I received from a husband who described in point-by-point detail what he hoped to get from one of our marriage conferences he and his wife were scheduled to attend. I can't squeeze all of them onto this page, but you'll get the idea.
I need you to talk to my wife about:

1. Getting her to stop watching bad TV shows
2. Getting her to read the Bible
3. Getting her to listen to Christian music
4. Getting her to support the charity work I do
5. Getting her to realize that she's a sinner
6. Getting her to stop drinking beer
7. Getting her to stop wasting our family's money
8. Getting her to stop worrying about fixing up our home
9. Getting her to realize she's setting a bad example...
I have my list...God, teach him this...make him him quit that.  I have so often thought that my marriage would be perfect if my husband acted like I told him to.  If that man would just behave...goodness, my life would be so much easier. 
I don't have the benefit of decades and decades of marriage...but I have been married for years and years.  One thing that I am certain of:  I cannot change my man.  I have absolutely no control over how he chooses to act or what he thinks...heck, I can't even get him to wear what I want him to.  What I do know is that God can change him...but that doesn't mean that bringing God a laundry list of things I wish my husband was or did honors my man or my God. 
First, it completely absolves me of any responsibility in my marriage.  Truth is, I could be married to the perfect man, and my marriage would still be flawed just because I am part of it.  God has some work to do on me.  Troy has his list, I am sure.  Second, it robs Troy of the opportunity to do his own thing with God.  God is working in my husband.  He is working for my husband's good.  My list may not be of benefit to Troy. 
Don't get me wrong, I totally believe that God wants us to vent to Him.  I tell on Troy all the time.  I just don't think that hanging my hopes on God doing what I say to, in and for my man will make marriage perfect.  I will trust God to be faithful in my marriage...He always has been.  He has never given me reason to doubt that He knows and wants His best for my family.  My man isn't perfect and my marriage is perfect, but my God is.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Emmys

My random thoughts on the Emmys....
  • I LOVED Tina Fey's dress.  She generally goes black, and she didn't stray far but this is the best version of what she does.
  • I wonder if Sophia what's her name from Modern Family minds that she is portrayed like such an airhead.  I'm sure she can't mind being called beautiful all the time (not a fan of her dress), but she is treated like an idiot.
  • Kathy Griffin brought her mom...and they matched....that's...cute...
  • Edie Falco genuinely looked shocked.
  • Toni Collette's dress is awful.
  • George Clooney in the Modern Family promo thing was fantastic.  Genius.  I loved it.
  • I wanted to love Keri Russell (Felicity love and all that), but it was just not quite right.  Not sure if it was the length of the dress or the neckline...just something off.
  • Jenna Fisher's dress is really pretty.
  • If I see one more Oprah commercial....good grief.
  • Rita Wilson....sniff sniff...bless her heart.
  • The little guitar genre transitions were cute.  I liked the drama one.
  • Awe, people clapped for Friday Night that show!  I am actually surprised that FNL got nominated for anything because it is on the DirectTV channel which is why I watch.  JP was lucky his bff is a customer when FNL moved from NBC to DirectTV.
  • Anna Paquin's dress is awful.  I am not a fan of all that embellishment.
  • Neil Patrick Harris is so likable but...
  • Kyra Sedwick's dress is lovely but her hair is a hot mess.
  • Heidi Klum's necklace is bigger than her dress.
  • This is kind of boring because I don't really watch that much TV.  No one to root for...
  • What's up with January Jones' look?  I guess she is going for a look I don't get.
  • I love Nathan Fillion.
  • Jimmy Fallon's tribute to the 3 leaving shows was fabulous.
  • I feel like Julia Louis-Dreyfus wears the same dress every year.
  • I am SSSOOOOO excited that Kyra Sedwick won!!!!   YAYAYAYAYAY!!!  I love The Closer!
  • Ricky Gervais is stinking HILARIOUS.
  • The nominee questions were stupid.
  • Kelly Osbourne's dress was AMAZING, but her make-up was off.
  • Mini-series and movies...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  • Not a fan of Claire Danes in general, but she looks pretty.
My Favorite Dresses:
My Least Favorite Dresses:



A Rant: Cats and Dogs

Good grief!  My kids have driven me crazy this weekend!  I know that it is the adjustment period of getting back to school and back onto a schedule that is much more demanding for their little bodies.  We also complicated that adjustment period by very recently bombarding them with all of our family.  I love them overflowing.  BUT.  They have been fighting with each other like I have never seen.  They are being ugly to each other and Troy and I.  Whining and crying, complaining and misbehaving....AAAGGGGHHHH.  It is making me grumpy and tired.  I had such a hard time worshipping this morning because my spirit was filled with...yuck.  Praying for patience and grace.  God, fill us with patience and grace.

Mom, Dad and Troy to the rescue!  I am super excited already about getting to see them this coming weekend!!! 

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Totally stealing Troy's idea!

Anger is injustice.
Annoyance is not getting everything done that I had planned.
Contempt is mean girls focusing on my daughter.
Disgust is dirty feet in my bed.
Irritation is unthoughtful people.
Anxiety is avoidable.
Embarrassment is mismatched children.
Fear is burying a child.
Helplessness is watching him struggle.
Powerlessness is absent in light of who I am in Christ.
Worry is part of being a mom.
Doubt is a constant companion.
Envy is demonstrative affection.
Frustration is being asked to lie.
Guilt is a tool of the enemy.
Shame is going to God one more time to confess sin...and then one more...and one more...
Boredom is small talk.
Despair is in a two year old's hospital room.
Disappointment is parenting failures.
Hurt is echoed words.
Sadness is not having a person.
Agitation is cats...and dogs and trees and grass and...
Stress is feeling inadequate.
Shock is anaphylactic.
Tension is speaking the truth in love.
Amusement is his laugh.
Delight is their laughter.
Elation is my children choosing Christ.
Excitement is the perfect card.
Happiness is a pedicure with my mother and my daughter.
Joy is studying God's Word with others.
Pleasure is knowing someone well and being known.
Caring is a tender hand on the small of my back.
Affection is a kiss.
Empathy is marriage.
Friendliness is a smile.
Love is sacrifice.
Courage is choosing obedience instead of being swept up by the world.
Hope is future plans for my children.
Pride is thinking that I can heal him.
Satisfaction is hearing them describe God.
Trust is knowing He is working even when I don't see Him.
Content is sitting down to a meal with my husband, my kids and my parents.
Relaxed is watching my favorite shows with my favorite person.
Serene is reading on Mom and Dad's couch.
Politeness is answering the phone.
Surprised is learning something new about someone I know well.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

FAB: What's Your Color Season?

So, I blogged about how important it is to wear colors that flatter you.  They ehance your skin tone, make you look more radiant, brighten your important! 
I have known that I am a winter for quite some time because, like I said, my mom had her colors done.  But for those who don't know what season they are or which colors are in your are some sources to figure out what colors look best on you.

The color swatch things you carry around come from Color Me Beautiful.  They have a very basic way of figuring out your season by assessing your hair color.  Remember to think about your natural hair color.

I found this at 
Instructions. Determine Your Skin Tone

Decide which season most accurately describes your complexion. People - and skin tones - can be divided into "seasons," depending on their skin tone.

"Winter" complexions have blue or pink undertones. Skin can be pale white, yellowish-olive, or dark. Winter people are generally brunettes, with deeply colored eyes. Many Asians and African Americans fall into this category.
"Summer" complexions, like winter complexions, have blue or pink undertones. Skin is pale and pink. Summers are often natural blondes or brunettes with pale eyes.
"Autumn": Autumn complexions have golden undertones. Many redheads and brunettes with golden brown eyes fall into this category.
"Spring": Spring complexions have golden undertones and are usually creamy white or peach. Spring people generally have straw-colored or strawberry red hair, freckles, rosy cheeks, and blue or green eyes.

Choose Clothes to Flatter Your Skin Tone

"Winter": Winters should wear colors that are sharp, stark and clear. White, black, navy blue, red and shocking pink all go well with winter complexions. For lighter colors, wear icy tones rather than pastels. Avoid subdued tones like beige, orange and gold.
"Summer": Summers should choose pastels and soft neutrals with rose and blue undertones. Lavender, plum, rose-brown and soft blue suit summers well while black and orange do not.
"Autumn": Autumns should select colors with golden undertones, like camel, beige, orange, gold and dark brown. Avoid colors with blue tones, like navy.
"Spring": Springs can wear warm colors like camel, peach, golden yellow and golden brown. Avoid dark, dull colors.

Here are a few places to see seasonal colors:

I don't love either, but they give you a basic idea...

Hope this gives you a push in the right direction!  TRY COLOR!!!!

FAB: Daily Devos!

Product Review:

I have problems with waking up early to have my time with God in the morning.  I am NOT a morning person.  BUT, I definitely recognize the benefit in my day if I think on Him and the mercies that are new in Him for me each morning.  So, taking both of those things into consideration, I have started having devotionals emailed to me every morning.  I am loving it.  At first, I was worried that I wouldn't have much to choose from.  I knew that The Upper Room and Daily Bread did an online thing, and I visit Oswald Chambers My Utmost for His Highest blog regularly.  Those are all great...but seem old fashioned.  So, I googled and found 
I want to say upfront that I have only used the site for the reason I looked for it.  There is tons on the site that I have not explored, yet.  But, I loved what it had to offer me in daily devotionals.  There are seventy-two devotionals to choose from.  They have the devos broken down under subject lists with descriptions for each one that includes the author of the devotional.  I chose several to see which ones were most beneficial for me.  I have found them all to be of great benefit for me each morning.  I chose one for different aspects of my life...parenting, marriage, being a woman.  I also chose one on the names of God which digs into some greek and one that is a reading plan through the Word.
I know that in terms of being fed spiritually an emailed devotional is fast food...but it is better than going hungry all day!


So, I have a friend that just had knee surgery.  He should be using crutches.   He's not.  He is using a cane.  If he were using crutches, he would heal quicker and hurt less.  With the cane, he ends up in tons of pain and unable to do the things he normally would have.
I have been thinking a lot about the abundant life that we are promised in John.  I honestly don't think that most Christians live the full life that Jesus meant.  Laziness, misunderstanding, disobedience...they all block our ability to live the type of deeply committed life that leads to abundance.  One of the ways that we miss the full life is not completely giving ourselves to God in total dependence on Him.  We use Him for support as we walk on our own because we think we know better...instead of letting Him bear the load while He heals us.
It's kind of like using a cane when we were given crutches...

Thursday, August 19, 2010

FAB: Fabulously Fashionable

Ok, Girls!!!  Here are some fashion tips you can take to the bank!
  • Pockets.  Here's the thing:  pockets matter.  Let's talk back pockets on pants.  The position, shape and size of your back pockets is extremely important...they can add or subtract size to that area.  No pockets is very rarely a good option unless you are wearing a dress trouser with some drape or a legging (which should be worn very wisely).  If you are sporting some junk in your trunk, make sure that you have a pocket to break that up and make it look smaller.  The placement is also key.  Look at your butt when you are trying on pants because other people will be looking when you aren't.  The pocket should hit mid-cheek!  If you have a tiny caboose, a pocket is still a good idea - just make sure it is proportionate.  You don't want a really large pocket because it will make your butt look even smaller.  If your rump is flat...try finding heart shaped pockets.  The curves will trick the eye.  Now let's talk about what you put in your pockets.  Some women don't like to carry a purse...I don't understand it, but I know it is true.  Unfortunately, that means keys, phones and wallets get put into pockets.  It's not attractive to have bulges in any area that you have pockets.  Find a purse you can live with...a small one, your favorite color, anything.  It's worth it.
  • Color.  Colors are one of my favorite thing to play with because you can do a million things with color.  I know that black is slimming, but it is very rarely (maybe never) the best color for any given person to wear.  Back in the day, you could get your colors done.  I am not exactly sure what it was called, but you would go see someone who would tell you if you were a Spring, Summer, Fall or Winter based on your skin tone, eye color...or whatever.  Then they would give you a little book with color swatches that you could carry in your purse when you went shopping or something.  (My mom totally had one.  She is a summer, by the way.  I am a winter!)  I don't know if you need to go through all that but finding colors that look good on you will make a 100% difference in your wardrobe.  All of us have a shirt that we bought because the style was flattering, but we should never wear because the color is all wrong. The same style of shirt (or even a less flattering style) in the right color for you will get tons more compliments and look a thousand times better.  Color can make us look happy and gives us warmth.  It changes the way your face looks.  I also love to pair unexpected is a great way to make people look twice!  Jewelry can also be a great way to add an unexpected color to your outfit.
  • Fit.  I know that this maybe a hard one for some people to take but dress the size you are...not the size you want to be or were.  Look fabulous and beautiful exactly like you are.  That means thinking about fit.  Too tight doesn't look good on anyone.  Ever.  I don't care what a man says.  Classy is always the way to go.  Conversely, oversized clothes are not flattering either.  We don't want to hide who we are...we want to enhance the good and minimize the bad.  Body skimming can be very flattering...pick things that hug parts that you love and float away from parts that you don't.  Experiment with size and take someone you trust with you when you go shopping.  If you have a friend that you love but can't pick out her own clothes properly, don't let her pick out yours - no matter how close you are or how much she wants to!  If you have a friend who agrees with everything you say, don't take her shopping with you - she won't tell you the truth.  Don't be afraid to try something new.  Claim the parts of yourself that you love and show them off.  You are beautiful.


So, I have finally come up with a name for my product reviews, tips and all things wonderfully woman.  F.A.B!  At first, I thought it would stand for Fashion and Beauty.  That somehow felt confining…like I can only review fashion or beauty products.  So I have decided that it can mean that but doesn’t have to…  FAB can also mean Fun and Beneficial or Fantastic and Beautiful or Feminine and Blessed.  I am going to officially go with Fabulously Awesome Beauties…because we all are.  Seriously, YOU are…I asked your Creator.  I hope that these posts will be fun, beneficial, fantastic, beautiful, feminine and a blessing to you!
So be on the look out for FAB posts that give tips, product reviews and encouragement for us girls as we journey through life as Fabulously Awesome Beauties!

The Greatest of These...

SO, I have been thinking about something since Sunday school (we have an excellent, thought-provoking teacher!). We are beginning a study in 2 Peter and spent some time looking at verses 5-7 of chapter 1.
2 Peter 1:5-7 "For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love."
We talked about the qualities on the list and the order in which they are presented.  Does the order matter?  I think the majority of the class agreed that the order was intentional and increasing in value.  We talked about what a relief it is that we don't have to have it all together the moment that we become a new creation...that there are aspects that we can work on individually and grow into who God wants us to be.  We also noted that there is an inward focus that moves outward and the basis for all of it is faith.  It wasn't until after class that I realized what was at the top of the list...the greatest of these is love.  Sounds familiar, huh?
1 Corinthians 13:13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
I have wondered about this verse before.  I pull a lot for faith to be the greatest.  Faith is, in fact, necessary...essential for life in Christ.  Faith brings us into relationship with Him.  Faith is...well...the foundation.
The other verse that comes to mind when thinking about love is this one:
1 John 4:16 And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him.
Love is the greatest because the source of all love is God.  He is definition.  The difference between faith and hope and love is two originate from us and one is Him.  With the foundation of faith placed in Jesus Christ, I can begin to strip away my sinful man and pursue a holy God.  The pinnacle of a Godly pursuit is sincere love.  Truly loving people the way God intended is hard.  Very hard.  It takes goodness, self control, perseverance, takes God.  The Greatest of not just these...

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


God has been teaching me so much lately.  He is just really pouring into me things He knows I need to hear.  Hard truths, tough lessons but ones that will grow me into who He wants me to be.  More than anything in my life, I want to be His.  So as He is teaching me, I read this devotion by Oswald Chambers.  The focal verse is the one where Jesus tells the rich, young ruler he must sell all he has to follow Jesus.  A hard truth for a very rich, young man.  I was struck by Chambers words on this passage because though the passage was very familiar, Chambers brought out something new.  Chambers points out that Jesus says a tremendous amount to us that we listen to, but do not actually hear.  Jesus' words to the young man were hard to hear and harder to follow.  Chambers goes on to say:
This man understood what Jesus said. He heard it clearly, realizing the full impact of its meaning, and it broke his heart. He did not go away as a defiant person, but as one who was sorrowful and discouraged. He had come to Jesus on fire with zeal and determination, but the words of Jesus simply froze him. Instead of producing enthusiastic devotion to Jesus, they produced heartbreaking discouragement. And Jesus did not go after him, but let him go. Our Lord knows perfectly well that once His word is truly heard, it will bear fruit sooner or later. What is so terrible is that some of us prevent His words from bearing fruit in our present life. I wonder what we will say when we finally make up our minds to be devoted to Him on that particular point?
How often do I listen to the words of Jesus but not hear Him?  Monday night, I sat in Bible study listening to Beth and then speaking with some wonderful ladies and one thing right after another God was speaking truth into my life.  He was convicting me and encouraging me.  The next morning, I read this.  I am taking it as a challenge.  Our Lord knows that His Word will bear fruit...I know it, too.  The challenge is to not just listen to what He is saying but to hear Him and determine to be His.  My mind is made up.

Dark Night of the Soul...or just lazy...?

Recently, I heard Beth talk about experiencing a "dark night of the soul," a time when finding and feeling God is just hard.  God and I were talking about it on the way to work one day.  I have been going through some stuff...not outward struggle or circumstantial difficulties but times of just struggling with God...trying to figure out what He wants from me, trying to be obedient and faithful in who He wants me to be, wondering why things are happening the way that they are or not happening as it may be...sadness, joylessness, discontent.  After hearing Beth speak, I wondered is that what this is?
Wikipedia defines dark night of the soul as a phase in a person's spiritual life, marked by a sense of loneliness and desolation. eh...not bad considering the source.  Beth described it as being able to know God is there in what you see around you but not feeling His presence.  I think that the dark night is a place God takes you in your walk with Him purposefully to teach something...a very hard lesson.  He is always there but somehow less evident. 
So, like I said, God and I were discussing it in the car one morning(...a clue, no?).  Very clearly and very loudly, He called me lazy.  I am not finding Him because I am not really seeking Him.  We talk all the time...constantly, but I am not truly seeking Him.  I can blame it on tons of things, but I have gotten out of the habit of seeking Him in His Word.  It is my sin.  Sin is never the cause of a dark night of the soul...sin causes actual separation.  I heard Him.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Can You Fill Me?

We are getting ready to start a new mini Beth Moore series.  I watched the first two sessions tonight, and I am already loving the incredible things that God is beginning to teach me in this series.  I can't wait for the discussion time during our first session when we talk about measuring up...and the way women try to measure up to or for someone.  I found this blog call Can You Fill Me? by Cathy Davis while doing some research for Monday night. 

We've gone on a short road trip. I'm not happy hair, my outfit, my bra (hello honesty), my shoes, what I have packed to wear and I left my tennis shoes in my car. We're going to be schlepping all over the place and I have no tennis shoes to wear. What was I thinking? Throughout the short weekend, I keep talking to my myself...Here's the gist of what I'm saying:
You're inadequate. Whatever you're wearing and brought to wear isn't "cute". How will you do your hair without styling products? Why didn't you bring those? Did he just look at another woman? Are you sure you're losing weight? You look heavy in those mirrors. Should you be eating that? Why can't he just tell me what I need to hear?
On and on I go. I've now worked myself into such a tithy and I want someone to make it better. So, naturally I go to James. (This is going to work out well.)
Do you still find me attractive? Do you think I'm pretty? Can you ever answer any of these questions adequately enough to take away all of my insecurities and doubt? I need you to fill me up.
The next day at Sunday school I'm sharing all of this with my class and I talk about how he just couldn't seem to tell me what I needed to hear and would it be too much for him to affirm me?
We've been working through Beth Moore's Measureless Love. Beth (she's my BFF so I can call her Beth) talks about who we're measuring up to, who we're measuring God up to and who we're measuring up for. That person we're measuring up for (Hi James) will never be able to fill us up and keep us full like Jesus will. If I'm not Jesus full, then I'll be desperately trying to get everyone else to fill me up. (ouch) If God is showing you something about yourself (sometimes it's over and over and over), then He's wanting you to kiss it goodbye! Goodbye insecurities and fear and self doubt and condemnation!
When we had a few minutes alone, I apologized to James for putting him in a position he was never going to be able to fill. (Of course, he had no idea how upset I had been!) Only God can fill me up. Only He can be the One who can give me total and unconditional love. I never have to wonder how He feels about me.
Will today be the day that I finally allow God to fill my cup with all the fullness of God? Will today be the day that I grasp that if God doesn't condemn me, then who am I to condemn myself?
There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
Romans 8:1
and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.
Eph. 3:19
Praise You Father for not condemning me. Thank you for allowing me to come to You when I start doubting myself. You will fill me up Your fullness and all I have to do is ask. I empty myself of my sinful nature and ways, pride, idolatry, condemnation, of the need to please everyone for my own sake, for looking for constant affirmation from others who can't possibly give me what I need way down in the marrow of my soul. I thank you for allowing me to say this prayer to you throughout the day or whenever I feel condemnation rising up. Fill my cup, Lord. I want to be full of You and not me. ~ Amen

I am so excited to get this going with my girls!!