Saturday, April 16, 2011

Sounding Off: Breastfeeding in Public

So, tonight we went to Applebees for dinner (after seeing Rio - it was cute!).  I thought that the you-have-got-to-be-kidding-me highlight of my night would be seeing a dude wearing more jewelry than this guy.

But then a group of people walked in - two moms with infants and a family of four.  They came to a large table behind us...leading the group to the table was the family of four with the mom actively breastfeeding a child that is probably a few months shy of a year old.  She was wearing a v-necked sleeveless dress that she had pulled down to leave one breast exposed for the child.  She had no blanket covering herself and made no attempt to cover herself even after sitting at the table.
SO many questions popped into my head.  First, how did this happen?  At what point did she begin the degree that she had to walk around the resturant doing so.  Second, why would she make the people with her feel so uncomfortable?  Their whole group became the focus of so much attention.  Lastly, what is up with her man?  Troy would never want me to share with the world something so private.
Let me make a confession.  I did not love breastfeeding.  It hurt, and I hated leaking.  In fact, I disliked it so much with Nate that I didn't even try with Ian.  That being said, I don't have a problem with other people doing it.  One of my favorite friends, Bethany, has breastfed each of her boys for a year, which is wonderful.  I am kind of in the to-each-her-own camp on this one. 
Bethany came up when Troy and I talked about this woman later.  We have both been in the room with Bethany breastfeeding (either at her house or the church) but have never seen it because she uses a blanket.  Neither of us have been offended or uncomfortable in anyway.  But this woman offended me.
I think that I am just still shocked that a woman would be so willing to expose herself in such a front of anyone other than her husband, in fact.  Both Troy and I were happy that our children, specifically our boys, did not see her.  Talk about something you don't want to talk about over dinner.  I honestly don't think I would mind seeing a woman breastfeeding in a resturant if she is using a blanket or some other cover-up for modesty.  Yes, breastfeeding is normal and natural, but they are called private parts for a reason.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Struggling in Faith: No Answers...Only Questions

I heard something on the radio this kind of brought home or reaffirmed a struggle that I am experiencing.  I listen to Spirit FM pretty much exclusively in my car and on the way to work I usually hear the devotion/prayer time.  This morning they discussed praying for world peace in the context of praying for Japan and Libya.  While world peace is the token Miss America dream, it seems like an unattainable prayer.  But for peace both from wars or tragedy is not only attainable but would take nothing more than a thought.

So here is my struggle...what do I do with a God who can but doesn't?  Whether it is an intimate prayer request like I shared in a post the day before yesterday or something like world peace, if we believe that our God can do all things (and I do) but doesn't act in a situation that causes those He loves pain, what does that say about our God...or my relationship with Him?  I know that He loves but why is He not moved to act on behalf of his, say, Japan or Libya.  The pictures of the devastation in Japan break my heart, and I have no intimate knowledge of or love for the people there...and there are still aftershocks that would be considered sizable quakes in and of themselves.  I just don't I am seeking an extra measure of faith.

Isaiah 55:8-9 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD.  "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Monday, April 11, 2011

It Is What It Is

You know how in a relationship when someone else is not doing what you think is right, they are difficult to talk to?  I feel like that right now with Jesus.  I hate it...
I have been praying about something since November...seriously, praying...fasting and praying.  A specific provision for maybe the best person I know...and He hasn't provided it, yet.  I feel like all I really have to say to Him anymore is "please, God, please."  I know that He is with me, and I see His presence in the situation but still...He hasn't changed the circumstance. 
I am trying to understand our relationship right is like a marriage when you aren't necessarily fighting but not really connecting either...seeing someone everyday and still missing them...maintaining a relationship with the intimacy.  I want to scream because I feel so disconnected from my life source, but I also feel like it is His fault.
How do I move on with my Savior...even as He still doesn't provide?