Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Logos Team Challenge

So, in our Logos Team we are reading "Good to Great in God's Eyes: 10 practices Great Christians Have in Common" by Chip Ingram. Chapter one is called "Think Great Thoughts." That is going to take awhile...hhmmm...yeah. Chapter two I can do. I am all over "Read Great Books." Our Logos Team leader and my wonderful (today, anyway) husband challenged us to at least start a great book, and he had some that he thinks are great to choose from. I didn't need him to tell me Tozer was great...but I have never read anything by him because as Troy puts it people like A.W. Tozer and Watchman Nee are "jumping in the deep end." I originally thought I would just continue to plug through Beth and "Get Out of That Pit," but never one to back down from a challenge (that's not totally true...I will definitely back down if I don't want to do it). Anyway, I decided to tackle "The Knowledge of the Holy" because both Troy and Chip (in his book) recommend it.

I have only read the preface (Logos was yesterday!), but I am already very intrigued. In the preface, Tozer makes these statements:

"The Church has surendered her once lofty concept of God and substituted it for one so low, so ignoble, as to be utterly unworthy of thinking, worshipping men."

"The low view of God entertained almost universally among Christians is the cause of a hundred lesser evils everywhere among us."

"With our loss of the sense of majesty has come the further loss of religious awe and consciousness of the divine."

WOW! Tozer believes the church lacks reverence and awe of God....and he wrote this in the 60s. Can you imagine what he would think of today's church? You don't even have to get too awfully emergent to see people dressed down, tardy or talking in worship. I'm not bashing...I'm guilty of all three. Can you imagine Tozer at a church that has "centers" and making a collage for Christ? Yikes! I am all about fun...but don't we sometimes lack respect for Who and why we worship? What if our sanctuary was just that...a sanctuary where the Spirit fell freely and was felt by all? I love being challenged in how I view God. I can't wait to continue to expand my knowledge of the Holy.

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