Saturday, January 22, 2011


Today was happy.  I have been thinking about happiness a lot lately.  I have started praying happiness for a friend...that is what I want for him...a season of happiness.  But I have had a few discussions with people I value who think happiness is fake.
I know the difference between joy and happiness.  I get the idea of joy being found within you and that happiness is a result of circumstance.  I also don't think happiness is a worthy pursuit.  But fake?  As in not real?  I don't think I agree with that.
Searching for happiness with leave you empty.  Deciding you should be happy based on the things you have, a position you find yourself in or the current state of your relationships will leave you disappointed.  Dwelling on happiness will rob you of it.  But I do believe happiness exists.  It is not lasting or strong. Happiness is fleeting and rare...or plentiful.
Joy is abiding.  Contentment is strong.  They are worthy pursuits...and not just worthy but necessary.  Joy and contentment are knowing Jesus and that our hope is secure.  They are found when we understand that the our past proves that our present and future will be good.  When we can see that God has always been there and will always be faithful.  Having joy and being content in spite of our circumstances is realizing everything we have been entrusted with...our talents, our trials, our gifts, our knowledge, our strengths, our weaknesses, our past, our present...everything we've been through - good, bad and ugly, where we come from, our goals for the future...all of it has been given to us for one bring glory to God. (that's inheritance talk right there!) 
But happiness exists.  It's a smile, a look, smores, laughter, friends, cake, campfires, love, finally getting it, a game, a hug, baring your soul to someone you trust, a good book, music, feeling fabulous in a new outfit, chips, frosting on your nose, doing nothing with someone you want to do everything with, learning something new, a good cry, the perfect pair of shoes, the best meal you have ever tasted, an intelligent conversation, helping someone...
Happiness is a's a choice.  Happiness is a gift from the Source of our joy.

1 comment:

Misti Moss said...

This was great Kelly and so true!