Tuesday, December 11, 2007

RANDOM WORDS: “Schmorgus Board”

(random words is a blog that Troy does where he takes words and puts a Biblical spin on them or relates them to the Word of God...anybody that has suggestions just let him know)

Some of you might think that there is no way someone could connect the word “Schmorgus Board” to anything that has to do with the Bible. It is not like there is a Golden Corral mentioned in Jerusalem next to the Temple. Just in case you are not sure what a Schmorgus Board is (or spelled Schmorgusboard or smorgasbord)… it is a swedish word that means monstrous buffet offering a variety of foods. Great examples in American dining that would fit this description would be the aforementioned Golden Corral, Ryan’s Steakhouse, and the Old Country Buffet.
The essence of the word means that you can find whatever you want at this restaurant. Whether you know it or not… when it comes to religion or philosophy or right & wrong or family make-up… we live in a “smorgasbord society.” Everything is ok and whatever works for you is ok. That is the kind of world we live in. There has been a fundamental loss of absolute truth. Just watch Oprah and you’ll catch my drift.
We live in a “smorgasbord” society…
… marriage is up for grabs as well as the definition of a family
… many see that all religions are equal and there are many paths to God
… sexuality is up for debate as well
… the ethics of medicine are increasingly debated
Proponents of the postmodern way of “smorgasbord” thinking love to look back at Pilate in the Gospel of John (18:38) when he questions Jesus with the ever deepening profound question, “What is truth?” Paul speaks about this a little in Romans 1:25 when he writes, “They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator-- who is forever praised.” Paul’s point is that what was once a lie, is now truth in the sight of sinful man.
Yet, there are absolute truths in the Bible. God’s Word remains the standard. God remains the author of the standard of truth. We remain the recipients of that truth.


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