Good Morning!
This morning we have served 37 people so far. We have had several new people this morning. Some folks who attend regularly are beginning to bring friends...or, I guess, make friends in the line that begins forming before 8:00am. It seems a little overwhelming to think that people come here to wait in line for an hour for one bag of groceries. I don't know what to do first ~ fall to my knees and praise God for my blessings or fall before Him and weep for those who have need. We have so much. And there is so much need. Sometimes, I want to just cry out "You know their need...why don't You meet it?" Our sweet Savior says "I am, through you." Thank you for letting Him meet needs through you.
Good Morning Friends!!!
Wow. This morning felt like stepping into a tornado. We had 31 bags of food to give out so Troy handed out numbers to the first 31 people in line at around 8:45 this morning. Unfortunately, there were probably around 45 people in line by that time. As you can imagine, turning people away is hard. When we opened the doors, we found that we had several new people in line. We generally have between 2 and 4 new people on any given Tuesday so that is what we prepare for. This morning we served 9 new people...who spoke very little English. We had all hands on deck to get more supplies, help people understand the paperwork and the process we have set-up, collect numbers, and hand out food. We had an empty pantry by 9:08. I am exhausted again just telling you about it! Our volunteers are so valuable...to provide the food, pack it up, and hand it out. We also need so much prayer for the people who come to help and to receive and for provision both physically and spiritually. This ministry cannot function without you! Thank you!
Good Morning!
This week we were able to serve 42 people on Tuesday morning. Troy and I were telling some of the ladies in our Logos Team about looking at the line of people right before we opened the doors yesterday. He said sometimes you get the feeling that people come to us to supplement what they already have but yesterday you could see the hunger and desperation in the line. The people who are coming to us are genuinely hungry. Helping the poor is an act of obedience that provides rich blessing and such insight into the compassion of Christ. Seeing genuine need ignites compassion. Christ sees our deepest need...not just the surface ones. His compassion compelled Him to touch the untouchable, speak to the least deserving, heal those others banished, and to save us all. Being able to serve in this ministry is such a sweet gift whether through providing food, bagging it, handing it out or praying earnestly. Thank you for all you do.
Good Morning!
This morning we have been blessed to serve 52 people. Isn't that exciting?!? God's provision is amazing. He is
JEHOVAH-JIREH..."The Lord Will Provide". One thing I am learning is that God is so much bigger than we understand. Not only does He provide, He is also JEHOVAH-ROPHE..."The Lord Who Heals." God is also JEHOVAH-NISSI..."The Lord Our Banner." The One we follow into battle...or the One who is with us in our battles. He is also JEHOVAH-M'KADDESH..."The Lord Who Sanctifies." Amen...I needed to be reminded of that right now. He is also JEHOVAH-SHALOM..."The Lord Our Peace." Isn't that exciting as we come before Him with prayer requests? We can confidently approach the throne because His very nature is to provide, heal, fight along side us, sanctify and give us peace.
This is not a complete list. God is so much more than even the list we have this morning. Remember He is God even in your circumstance and the circumstances of each of the people who come to us on Tuesday mornings. Know Him in your situation. Thank you for praying!
A 5-Day Devotional Just For You!
3 weeks ago