1. AGES?
6, 5, 4
2. Names
Abigail Jo, Nathanael Marc, Ian Jeremiah
3. Birthday?
A - 3/17, N - 6/27, I - 10/27
4. Time of birth?
A - 10:26pm, N - 7:47am, I - 1:42pm
5. How long did labor last?
With Abby, I got to the hospital at about 2 and we had a C-section around 10:30. None for the other 2
6. Who was in the room when baby was born?
7. How long did you push?
8. Weight?
A - 7lbs 10oz, N - 7lbs 15oz, and I - 8lbs 2oz
9. Length?
I think all 3 were 21"
10. Any hair?
I think they all had some
11. Who does baby look like?
Abby- blend, Nate- my dad, Ian - Troy
12. Be honest...how much weight did you gain while pregnant?
60lbs with Abby and 12 for each of the boys
13. Was baby early or late?
Early for all of them
14. Who drove you home from the hospital?
Troy, always
15. How many baby showers did you have?
I have had 5 in all.
16. When did baby start sleeping through the night?
I honestly don't remember. Abby took the longest, though.
17. Did you breastfeed?
for the first two
18. Who keeps your baby the most?
Troy or I...I guess me
19. When do you wanna have another?
20. How did you pick the name?
Abigail and Nathanael are from the Bible and their middle names are family names. We knew what we were having and picked them long in advance. We also loved their meanings. (Abigail - the Father's joy, Nathanael - given by God) With Ian we didn't know what we were having so Troy had a napkin in his pocket in the operating room with our top 3 names for each sex. We had decided them on the way to the hospital. When he was born, I just knew. Ian Jeremiah means "God is gracious" (Ian) and "He is exalted" (Jeremiah). So it was like God is exalted for His grace and I can't think of a better reason to praise. So I told Troy in the operating room. My mom was waiting. When Troy and the baby were brought out, she asked his name and Troy said "Kelly says Ian Jeremiah, but she is on a lot of medication so we'll see." We firmed it up in recovery.
21. How did you know when it was time to go to hospitaI?
My water broke with Abby while we were out shopping. But it wasn't like the gush in the movies it was more like I couldn't control my bladder. Finally, I figured it out and we went but even the nurses weren't sure. They had to use some chemical paper to tell. The other two were scheduled C-sections.
22. Did you go home or somewhere else when you left the hospital?
23. Anyone spend the night with you first night home?
Troy and my parents
24. Did you cry the first time you held your baby?
teary sure but not cry...it was awhile after they were born before I could hold any of them.
25. Who cut the cord?
The doctors?
26. Where was the baby born?
A & N were in Greenville, TN at Laughlin and I was in PA at Williamsport
27. Did you video tape the birth?
nope-- before and after but not during
28. Was it the first time you had to change a diaper?
29. How did you like those ice chips?
didn't have any
30.C Section or vag. birth?
C Sections
31. What drugs did you get for the pain?
I had spinals for all three.
32. Did you scream?
no reason to...I did when they were pushing the blood clots out after the surgery. That hurts. With Abby they came in at like 5:30 to do it and it was the first time so I did not realize the pain they were about to inflict on me. Troy was asleep on a roll away next to me and when I screamed he shot up in the air from a dead sleep. It was awesome.
33. Did you let the nurses keep the baby in the nursery?
On and off during the night I did. Especially with Ian because I didn't breast feed and Troy wasn't allowed to stay in the hospital with me so I couldn't get him if he did cry because I couldn't move because of the C-section.
34. Post Partum?
nope...maybe some baby blues but nothing serious
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3 weeks ago